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Messages - archinchilla

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Re: Strange question
« on: March 09, 2009, 01:27:33 PM »
I would agree with not putting them in the same cage... but I use to have a rabbit and I put the chins cage next to the rabbit cage and they loved each other. They would have play time at different times but it never failed most of their play time was spent trying to get into the others cage. My rabbit was a giant chinchilla (how odd I know) he was around 22 pounds so of course I never let them out together.  ;) so its not impossible for them to be best buds they just can't be together.

General Chat / Re: I'm giving a chin presentation and I need some help
« on: February 28, 2009, 06:39:17 PM »
 ::rosesforme::  JoAnn thank you so much for your website information and for letting my use your pics. I actually think I ran across your site when I was searching for chin info to put in my presentation. You have got a lot of great stuff on there!!!! The presentation is not until April 16th I'll let you know how it goes.

General Chat / Re: I'm giving a chin presentation and I need some help
« on: February 22, 2009, 11:10:22 PM »
 ;) thanks guys for your input i will most definitely use your suggestions  ::thumbsup::

the little fun facts like 
       what color should their teeth be??? they all would think white but oh how they are wrong.
       Can they get fleas... (thanks for that one, i didn't think about that)
       Can they tell when its that time of the month???? still up for discussion on that one.... i think it is an interesting idea (thanks JoAnn)

 if you think of some or even just funny things that they do I would love to use these as fillers and class participation thanks for the help so far!!!!!!

General Chat / Re: I'm giving a chin presentation and I need some help
« on: February 20, 2009, 12:29:51 PM »
Ok I know that you guys have tons of little chin facts that would be great in my presentation   :chin:

General Chat / I'm giving a chin presentation and I need some help
« on: February 15, 2009, 09:54:11 PM »
I am taking a class, Vet Pharmacology, and we all have to give a presentation on an animal and at some point relate it back to pharmacy. I of course decided to talk about the wonderful chins!!!!  ;)

I do however need some help and was hoping that I could get some suggestions from everyone.
I am looking for some just fun facts about chins or anything that you think would be some good information to share.
Keep in mind that besides my friends in this class no one even knows what a chinchilla is.
Also I am looking for some awesome pictures....... I know there are a lot in the photo gallery but I would like to get your OK to use your chins pic in my presentation.
If you can help in any of these categories please let me know and if you have some great pics you can send them to my email if you like ( )



Health / Re: hair loss
« on: February 12, 2009, 05:29:06 PM »
my chin was bad about fur chewing. I had asked the breeder if the mother was did this as well, since it is usually passed from mother to offspring, and she wasn't. she (my chin) was never sick, not malnourished, not in a warm or drafty place, it wasn't to humid, so then we started putting extra toys in her cage to see if it was boredom and it wasn't. She was never nervous around anyone and loved to be played with so we couldn't figure out what could possibly be wrong. I was reading one of my books and found that if none of these seemed to be the problem then it could be increased thyroid activity.  ::shrug:: I did everything i could think of including changing what was used in the bedroom, which is where she stayed. So after a long time of changing the environment and making sure it wasn't something else we decided the thyroid was really all that was left.

Guestbook / Re: Hello to all!!
« on: February 12, 2009, 10:03:45 AM »
Thank you so much for all of the advise JoAnn I will try some of those ideas out over the next few months and see what he likes!!!!  :)

Guestbook / Re: Hello to all!!
« on: February 09, 2009, 04:33:40 PM »
yeah this morning he found his treat in my hand as he was trying to get away from the medicine and he looked up at me like lets just skip the first part and go for the goodies  :::grins:: much to his disappointment he got both. I have always used treats from the pet store because i was never really comfortable with anything else besides a raisin every now and then. I guess that's because i didn't really trust myself. what other things can you use as treats?

Health / Re: hair loss
« on: February 09, 2009, 04:26:13 PM »
thanks for the information.

My old chin we believe had a thyroid problem. I was going to breed her with a male that a friend of mine has but once we suspected the thyroid problem we didn't.

I did get rid of the current dust with the scent. I did dispose of all the old chins things just to be safe, you never can be to safe. The new chin has all new things and a new cage until he gets big enough for the other cage.

Guestbook / Re: Hello to all!!
« on: February 09, 2009, 12:17:37 PM »
yes these little guys can bring so much joy. problem is right now my little guy doesn't like me to well because i'm having to give him meds twice a day. I do laugh at him every time i go to his cage because he will look for that syringe and if he can't find it he is soooo happy to see me but as soon as that syringe comes out he is gone! hopefully only a few more days of meds and all that will be over.

Health / Re: hair loss
« on: February 07, 2009, 05:52:02 PM »
ok thanks for the tips on dust. I tried to take a picture of it for you but he doesnt seem to like the camera yet, so thats a no go.

Guestbook / Hello to all!!
« on: February 07, 2009, 04:19:28 PM »
Hello my name is Lauren and am new to the forum. I live in Little Rock, Arkansas and am currently in Pharmacy school. I got my first chin a little over 6 years ago, but sadly she just passed away on January 12th this year. The saddest part is I was on my way home with a new chin when i found her :(  The new chins name is smokey and he is an ebony, my old chin was Joie and she was a standard grey. Well I am glad to have found this site and just wanted to say hello to everyone and I'm sure I will get some great tips from you all. I also have a 15 month old blue weimaraner and a 5 year old chocolate lab along with a fiancee named Sam. I guess that rounds up the quick intro to myself.

Health / hair loss
« on: February 06, 2009, 05:39:13 PM »
I just got a new chin and have had him about 3 weeks. Last week he started losing the hair around his eyes and mouth. I took him to my vet, however my vet doesn't know much about chins. It looks to be fungal to us so we started him on antifungals. After I went to the vet my fiancee told me that he had switched out his dust from what i had started him on to the dust that we used with our old chin. this dust has a vanilla sent. Has anyone had problems with allergies in their chins? or do you think this could just be a fungal infection?

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