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Messages - loveshercheech

Pages: [1]
Health / Re: will cheeches hair grow back?
« on: May 19, 2009, 10:13:36 PM »
Hey Jo Ann, Thanks for responsding to my questions...The drain tube is in there to just to keep the 2 little insistions open so they don't heal too fast cause that's what happened last time the lance healed before we could flush it out so the drain tube is to help keep it open so we can flush the puss out. The vet said that the hay may have got stuck in his mouth and poked him in the mouth but we really don't know what caused it cause it was like an over night thing, it was really weird. Yes my vet did put him on anti-biotic for 14 days I believe in his mouth and we have to flush the insistions for so many days and we have to take him back in 7-10 days for a check up and to remove the drain tube then we will have to dr. it again for so many days I'm sure..We are hoping this got it all cause if not then he will have to remove the lemphnodes in there and we are trying to avoid that. I think he may have got it all this time though, Its still hard to say though cause he's swollen still. I took some pics. but I cant figure out how to upload them yet, but I will figure it out. LOL.

Health / will cheeches hair grow back?
« on: May 18, 2009, 08:21:39 PM »
Hi I'm new to the forum, and I have a few questions to ask...Okay here it goes, I'm gonna try not to make it too long lol...My first question is, has anyones chinchilla ever get like an abscess on their throat? Mine did so I took it to the vet and he lanced it for us and asked us to come back for a check up so we did today and he will be inserting a drain tube tomorrow. My other question is...when the vet lanced it, cheech now has a bald spot and he will tomorrow too. Will his hair grow back?

Thanks for any info!!!

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