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Messages - magicTEAR4eva

Pages: [1]
Q & A / Re: I have 5 problems. :|
« on: May 28, 2009, 09:37:39 AM »

2. I want a second chinchilla but when my sister was born than my chinchilla went crazy and once bite her finger. What if they wont get along?

There could have been several reasons your chin bit the finger of your little sister ... If it had the smell of milk on it's hand/finger, the chin probably thought her finger was a treat ...  or she could have grabbed a handful of your chins fur or tail ... or the baby could have cried or made a noise that would frighten the chinchilla.  As much as I love my chins, I would not put them within nipping range of a child, especially an infant or toddler ... human babies are to unpredictable.  Chinchillas rarely bite without reason and a baby does not know what to expect ... they just want to feel/hug anything that is soft and makes baby sounds.

My room's door was open. My sister got in and chinchilla was in the cage. She pointed fingers to him. When he see her he makes angry noises. I think it is "animal group instinct". When a newbie comes to the group then you have to frighten her/him and be bad. Now, he is just .... ignoring .. her, he doesn't bite or acts angry anymore.  :)

Could you post a picture of the cage, please?

Ok. I will.... How do I do that? (I have apple MacBook if it is a problem...) When I try then shows up those blue squares....  :-\


General Chat / Re: Hello CC forum! :)
« on: May 28, 2009, 08:21:28 AM »
I don't give him candy or chips.  rofl
Thank you for advices. I'll be more careful.  :-\


General Chat / Hello CC forum! :)
« on: May 27, 2009, 04:05:05 AM »
Hi. My chinchilla is 5 years old. I am new to this forum. I just joined to ask some questions but then I uploaded pictures, then started to read this stuff and I think I got addicted.  ::nod:: I think I am the only person from Latvia who has joined this forum.

I buy "VITAKRAFT - Pellets" and "VITAKRAFT - Emotion beauty" food for my chin.
My chinchilla is healthy, not too thin or fat, happy, a bit lonely. I would love to take him to a chinchilla farm on breeding or just meet other chinchillas but I don't have any chinchilla farms in my country.  :-\  I give him fruit and plants(roses, grass, leaves and those yellow flowers with milk..). Is that bad? My mom says that I am crazy that fruit are is risky. I sometimes give him bananas and apples. Rarely but often in summer some strawberry and my chinchilla LOVES cherry. He goes crazy, he would do anything for cherry. But I never heard that chinchillas can eat cherry.... Can't they?  Also, I once gave him a very small piece of chocolate. He loved it and NOTHING happened. He lives! He loves nuts and raisins of course and he hates candy from pet store ( special candy for chinchillas with strawberry and yoghurt flavor). I want him to taste everything he can taste.

Any ideas and advices?  :::grins::


General Chat / Re: A Special question for the Ladies ....
« on: May 26, 2009, 04:12:26 AM »
Well... On those days my chinchilla gets a bit hyper and doesn't hang out near me often as usual. But that's all. I would say he doesn't act different.  ::silly::

Q & A / Re: I have 5 problems. :|
« on: May 26, 2009, 03:46:54 AM »
 :( Oh my...

Q & A / Re: I have 5 problems. :|
« on: May 24, 2009, 09:33:53 AM »
I don't have a plastic cage. I have a classic, normal chinchilla cage. Bottom of the cage is plastic. In my country I haven't seen a cage with a metal bottom or anything else different. But thx for answering questions. About the plane thing. it is very sad. I will soon fly to foreign countries and my mom or anybody elso won't want to take care of him, I really need to find out a way to take him with me.  :chin:

Q & A / I have 5 problems. :|
« on: May 24, 2009, 08:34:55 AM »
1. My chinchilla is 5 years old and lives all alone. He doesn't have chinchilla friends. :::((( He is friendly and cute but is there an option?
2. I want a second chinchilla but when my sister was born than my chinchilla went crazy and once bite her finger. What if they wont get along?
3. I want to buy a wheel for him but he is 5 years old, he doesn't know what it is? will he find out?
4. I want to go study in foreign countries but how do I get my chinchilla on the plane? Is it legal? Can I travel with him? Is it even possible?
5. My chinchilla must be very bored in cage even tho I get him out twice a day. He keeps making holes in cages. I am not a millionaire so how do I make it stop?I put sticks and wooden toys but it doesn't help.


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