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Messages - janey.m

Pages: [1]
Health / Re: Dental problems - what is the outlook?
« on: June 16, 2018, 10:10:22 AM »

Sad to report that although the x-rays didn't the reveal dental problems we had expected, they did reveal an abnormality that was diagnosed as a tumour after further scans. Discussing it with the vet, further investigation / treatment would involve quite major surgery involving removal of the eye and extensive post-operative care that George, not being a 'cuddly' chin, would find very stressful if surgery was successful. We both felt that it would be in George's best interests to spare him this and have him pts whilst he was still under sedation. We collected him in the evening and have buried him in the garden. Greatest sadness is that it leaves Matilda on her own after living with her friend for 9 years.

Health / Re: Dental problems - what is the outlook?
« on: June 10, 2018, 04:54:38 AM »
Many thanks for your reply and advice. I think I will ask for x-rays and see if it is possible for George to be pts whilst under if results are not promising.  George is of course neutered. Once I know where we're going, I'll think about what to do with Matilda.

Health / Dental problems - what is the outlook?
« on: June 09, 2018, 07:31:30 AM »
It's been years and years since I've posted in the chinchilla forums. Unfortunately, my 9 year old boy George seemed to go off his food a few days ago and was looking a bit sorry for himself. Although his teeth look okay from examination, the vet thinks there might be root trouble. He's been prescribed painkiller/inflammatory and antibiotics orally once a day for now - which in itself is a bit of a mission as he's not the most cooperative of chaps. Instructions from vet to go back in 14 days to monitor if improvement and if not improvement ASAP. To ascertain problem properly will mean anesthetic and x-rays - vet has talked through risks of anesthetic and dental extraction.

He's been dosed for 2 days now - today will be his third day, and he still seems miserable. He's not really interested in food - I've tried softening up some pellets for him, and he's had a couple of raisins - I'm trying to think of things that are particularly appetizing but are chin-edible.

My current thoughts are to go back to the vet on Monday - and I think it will be either euthanasia or x-ray. My thoughts are to go for x-rays, as if he goes whilst under it's just a more expensive alternative to the big injection anyway, and if he pulls through then at least we will be certain what the problem is. At that point I'm thinking that if it is a smaller abscess to try extraction, but if it's major to put him to sleep at that point.

The problem is compounded by the fact that he has a companion and they have lived together for the majority of their lives. If George dies, that will leave Matilda on her own.

So I suppose my questions are:
1. Is preceding with xrays a good idea if viable, or should I just be looking at euthanasia?
2. Has anyone had success with dental extractions? Looking at posts her the outlook looks quite bleak.
3. If George dies should I try to either find her a new companion or see if I can rehome her with another chinchilla?

Obviously I just want to do whatever is best for the both of them. Thanks for any suggestions.


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