on the 9th of June me and my husband went to the pet store to shop around for my 3 yr old chinchilla GIZMO, and while buying food treats and etc.... well my husband asked me if i wanted a male chinchilla on the hopes that they might get along and eventually their would be babies. well we bought him and took him home and i tryed to let them adjust to each other, but they didn't.....so... i had to separate them in their cage which is a 2 story giant ferret cage with levels and ladders etc....well the male i had gotten that day was just laying everywhere didn't want to move just lay their. well the next morning i went to check on the MALE and i was half asleep in the morning i glanced in the cage to check on him and when i looked in their at him that's when i realized that there were 2 animals in their which resembled baby mice did you know that the chinchilla that i bought wasn't a MALE IT WAS A FEMALE
which had babies the next morning i was baffled i called up the pet store i bought him/her to let them know my good news, they were shocked they wanted to know if i wanted to bring them back for another...... I of course said NO.. because the people obviously didn't know what they were talking about..............so now i have 2 females and 2 babies from the male
it i admit was a great thing i bought him/her because when i called up their to the pet store the person i talked to was running around asking the owner how a male chinchilla could give birth...as they replied THEY CANT..........................................in all reality it was their loss and my gain the mother and babies couldn't be happier............I just had to tell the story because its pretty wild.........anyone ever had this happen to them?