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Messages - sarahs5

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Ok, I found some examples on youtube of what I'm talking about:

This is kind of how boxer looks when she's squeezed herself between the wheel and the cage to look outside...

And the evil laughter!!

And these videos are just cute...

General Chat / Re: Little Rambo
« on: December 11, 2009, 08:20:46 PM »
::silly::  Yep ... mine love the bells ... we have a set of Christmass bells that they love.

Singing?  That, too.  (Give time to load then watch Chubby in the video at the bottom of the page.   :::grins::)

 ::wave::  Jo Ann

Oh my god, he does backflips! That is too funny!

Boxer shimmies up between the side of the cage and her wheel and wedges herself between the two near the top of her cage.  She sits there with her back to the wheel and her feet against the cage (maybe because it's up high? I dunno).  The first time I walked in the room and saw that, I couldn't stop laughing cuz it was so surprising.  Is that comfortable for them?

She is almost always quiet, but occasionally she makes this really loud sound that sounds like evil laughter.  The first time I heard it was in the middle of the night.  I didn't know chinchillas made sounds like that, and it scared the crap out of me!  I think she makes them in her sleep.  Maybe she's having nightmares?  Does anyone know what this sound means? 

I was just curious if these were common habits.  They seem so strange!

General Chat / Re: Little Rambo
« on: December 08, 2009, 05:14:12 AM »
softly SING to him?
My chins liked this.
Dewey doesn't like to be held/cuddled - he's an explorer too.  But if I sit still and sing, he'll often come sit on my leg/shoulder.

This sounds silly but it totally worked when I first brought my chin home!  She was terrified when I brought her home.  There were long periods of time where she would freeze up and wouldn't move for several minutes.  She might have been in shock from being in a totally new environment with new people and lonely without her cage mate.  She wouldn't approach me or let me pet her unless she was frozen up.  This continued for a few weeks and I was REALLY worried about her.  I tried to avoid scaring her and just tried to constantly talk to her in soft soothing tones.  She finally started approaching me when I started singing lullabies and Christmas songs (she responded well to "Silent Night" haha).  Try it, you might be surprised.

General Chat / Re: Toys and Chews for my "special needs" Chinchilla
« on: December 08, 2009, 05:05:18 AM »
Thank you all so much for your responses! I might try out the lava ledge since I mounted her lava bites on the side of the cage but they keep spinning around! I have wood ledges now, but she doesn't seem interested in chewing on them much. She has a PVC pipe she likes to hide in, but I might get her a little bed too (something soft and cuddly might be nice). The hay cage is a great idea.  Right now I just put the hay on her wood block, but it's so sad when she's trying to get a piece and it falls to the bottom of the cage and she can't reach it. 

Jmdebb, thank you so much for your offer of a free toy.  That's incredibly sweet of you.  I'll be sure to send you an email, and maybe Boxer will have a new Christmas toy :)

General Chat / Toys and Chews for my "special needs" Chinchilla
« on: November 27, 2009, 02:13:37 AM »
My chinchilla, Boxer, was born with a birth defect.  She was born without any front paws, so she just hops around on her back paws.  I love that she's special - she looks like a tiny kangaroo when she hops around. 

She can run in her wheel, eat, drink, perform most normal activities, but I have to hold her treats for her and it's hard to find toys/chews she can play with.  She has lava chews but she can't hold them, and when i mount them, they spin around and she can't catch them.  She had wooden sticks but they kept falling through and getting stuck in the bottom of the cage.  I've mounted wood on the side of the cage, but she doesn't seem to be interested in it.  Does anyone have suggestions for chew toys that don't require the chinchilla to hold them?  Or any suggestions for ways I can modify her cage to make it a little more fun for her?  Thanks so much!

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