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Messages - dmbfan128

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Taking a trip
« on: November 23, 2009, 12:24:33 AM »
So we all know that thanksgiving is approaching and I am planning on going down to North Carolina and I currently live in New York. I was planning on taking my two chinchillas down with me so I can let my girlfriends little brother pick one out to keep as a Christmas gift. The problem is that we are flying jetblue and on their website they say that you are only aloud to take either small dogs or cats at the price of 100$ a piece. I was wondering if anyone has flown before with their chinchillas with jetblue? I have all the paperwork from the vet saying they are both healthy and fit for travel, im going to call jetblue too and ask about it but i thought it might be a little easier to see if anyone has done this, and if so had any advice on the topic.

ps- i have a little carrier i bought for them from petsmart that is designed for travel for the plane ride too.


Health / Hurt Chinchilla
« on: November 17, 2009, 07:12:53 PM »
So a few weeks ago one of my chinchillas got his leg cut pretty bad when a friend moved a table not realizing he was underneath it. I took him to a local late night animal hospital where they glued the skin back together and placed a little cast on his foot. However 3 days later when i took him to our vet they said that the animal hospital overcharged us and did everything wrong. They charged us 210 dollars and if they had needed to sedate him it would have been 500. At our vet they sedated him, redid the stitching the proper way, and re-bandaged it the proper way all for 90 dollars. Ridiculous right? Anyway last week he got the cast removed and i was given instructions to keep him confined for another few days until i went in for a last checkup. Today they removed the stitches and now he seems to still be in a little bit of pain. As he is laying on his side and not really moving around much. Is there anything i can do to the leg, maybe put some form of neosporin on it to moisturize the skin or something like that?

-theres him in his little cast

Q & A / Feeding
« on: October 26, 2009, 10:38:08 PM »
Hey everyone,
Myself and my girlfriend recently adopted two baby chins =). They are absolutely amazing, from the first hour we received them we already had a nice story. Long story short on our way home one escaped from the box they were in and ran around the car. It was quite a first encounter with our little guys. They are still adjusting to their new home but love to come out of their cage and play around especially doing little tricks off the walls and climbing all over the furniture in the place, its quite a sight. Anyway we have been feeding them a 50/50 mixture of chinchilla food and hamster food as the breeder told us was a cheaper way to feed them because chinchilla food is kind of expensive especially for us college students. We also feed them alfalfa and they seem to go through that relatively quickly. I was wondering if we should keep the hay ball container thing filled with alfalfa all the time or not. So far we have but we are worried about over feeding them, what should we do?

Thanks a bunch!

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