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Messages - Crimson_Ham

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General Chat / Re: Herby is claustrophobic, can i help him any?
« on: September 01, 2010, 10:36:06 AM »
For such a large cage is it possible to let him stay in there when cleaning it? It doesn't solve the vet panic but if he doesn't need to come out for the cleaning it may help. I let my chins stay in their cages when I clean them if they don't want to come out. Sometimes they come down to the bottom when I move stuff but mostly they just sit at the top and watch me move stuff and clean then put everything back.
For vet visit panic the idea of putting the carrier open in the cage and letting him explore it and control going in and out of it is probably the best bet to help him.

Q & A / Re: Moving
« on: August 26, 2010, 11:02:11 AM »
So I can buy an extra ticket and since they all just need small carriers stack all 4 (2 boys in one 2 girls in another, the third boy in his own and the rabbit in his own) in one seat? as long as I strap them down? I had no idea that could be done I'd just read about one per adult and being the carry on (we have 2 adults and 3 kids so that idea flopped lol).

So if I do it this way, any recommendations for carriers?

Q & A / Moving
« on: August 25, 2010, 02:12:08 PM »
I have applied for a job in California (I currently live in Alaska)... Since I would need to move to accept this job I am trying to figure out how to bring my little furry bundles of love with me safely. Anyone that has needed to take their chins to a new place by plane? I can't bring them in cabin with me because I have too many kennels/cases I'd need to bring and they won't let me. I have 5 chins and a rabbit. The 5 chins can be in 3-5 cases depending... I don't know if it's safe to have the boys together if they're not where I can stop a fight. Also I don't know what kind of case is recommended for this. Help Please...

Breeding 101 / Re: growth and sizes in kits...
« on: August 05, 2010, 01:03:46 PM »
Not all males are smaller than females either. There are plenty of large males out there.
I didn't say all females are bigger than all males I said "I know females are usually bigger than males..."
But thank you for commenting on the OP, please feel free to comment regarding more recent posting.

Breeding 101 / Re: growth and sizes in kits...
« on: August 02, 2010, 04:18:33 PM »
Well Thor is getting a bit bigger now and hasn't climbed out since Sorley moved in...  But I need a new wire mesh to redo the kit cage. He hasn't climbed out but he's been chewing through the mesh on the side and had cleared out a good place with a few squares he could climb through... Problem being I haven't managed to find a local place to buy cage wire in a good gauge and spacing. Any one know of someone that sells and ships it? At reasonable prices?

Breeding 101 / Re: growth and sizes in kits...
« on: July 30, 2010, 04:31:39 PM »
Decided since he kept trying to get in the other cages when I had him out last night to try a run at keeping him and Sorley (his father) as cage mates for now. The kit cage was bigger than Sorley's cage and he's pretty mellow so I tried putting Thor in Sorley's cage to see them interact (now that Thor's older and weaned as the last time they were in the same space he wasn't weaned...)and when that went ok I put Sorley in Thor's cage for a bit and added his stuff in with him and put Thor in... So far they've been great together. Even laying with/on one another to sleep... I'm weary of the girls going into heat and causing a fight but this is a temporary solution since Sorley can't be in the cage with Xochitl right now and he and Thor were both lonely in their separate little cages. (I call them little because while they're a good size Xochitl and Sorley's is a Ferret Mansion cage and makes all the other cages look puny lol) We're moving in about 3 months and hope to have the caging situation remedied since we'll have the space for me to be able to have kits again (this is why the girls are together and Sorley's not in his usual cage presently) if it happens to happen that way...

While I had him in Sorley's cage I sent my daughter for the craisin bag and while I was opening it (they all know the sound of this bag from other bags  :2funny:)Thor wanted a craisin so bad He clung to the side of Sorley's cage and when I wasn't fast enough started climbing through the bars  rofl it was too cute. He loves the craisins.

General Chat / Re: Help determining color?
« on: July 30, 2010, 02:59:49 PM »
Silver ~ Another of the chinchillas considered in the grouping listed as white chinchillas. The beautiful Silver Chinchilla, according to the "ole timers", is evenly tipped in silver with the middle half of the fur being white and the base being gray. It is said, for it to be a "true silver" you can blow on the fur on any part of the body and the gray fur base can be seen. If any part of the base of the fur is not gray it would not be considered a "True Silver". ( )

hope those help.

Breeding 101 / Re: growth and sizes in kits...
« on: July 28, 2010, 02:10:50 PM »
lol That's great.
If all mine were good with kits and I didn't have so many feet walking around the house (or they had their own room right now) I'd probably let them too. Freya and Thor were surprises too. I'm going to give them all their own room when we move and try getting Thor a cage buddy so he doesn't feel the need to escape to play with everyone :)

Breeding 101 / Re: growth and sizes in kits...
« on: July 28, 2010, 11:14:53 AM »
when they were born we borrowed one from a friend scale wise...
It took him a couple days to figure out how and then he just kept getting out so I'm waiting till I'm absolutely certain he'll be unable to before taking him from the kit cage again, my husband says if he escapes anymore I have to sell him :( I do know someone who knows about chins and would buy him but I wanna keep him so definitely waiting. He's bigger than he was last time he escaped though so maybe soon (in a month or two) I'll let him try his cage again. Freya got out the first day we tried to put her in her cage so we waited 2 weeks and she hasn't escaped again since we moved her. Most of the escape problem I think is that even though he can see all but one of the other chins in the house he's lonely. When he was in a cage with Xochitl and Freya he never got out, when Xochitl was moved back to her big cage and it was just him and Freya he didn't get out. Just when he was alone...
Sorry no pictures yet but they were both so restless yesterday...

Breeding 101 / growth and sizes in kits...
« on: July 27, 2010, 04:25:25 PM »
I know females are usually bigger than males in the long run but is it normal for a female kit to be so much bigger than a male kit of the same litter after just 2 months? Freya looks huge compared to Thor. And I know it's not just because of the fur and looking bigger since I had to put him back in the kit cage when he kept getting out of his cage after weaning. Freya's in with Xochitl and hasn't escaped once since I put her there. I'll try to post pictures and show the size difference soon... I don't think there's anything wrong with him, he's acting and eating fine just seems soooooooooooo much smaller when I look at her.

Q & A / Re: Handling/Taming Chinchillas ect.
« on: July 26, 2010, 01:20:07 PM »
oh, does he have a litter box? does he go in his litter box? mine just pee in a corner. some people use cardboard boxes with litter in.
i tried using cardboard after Xochitl started chewing the litter pan and Sorley kept flipping it so I put in a square baking pan with bedding... they don't flip or chew it now.

Breeding 101 / Re: what time are they usually born?
« on: July 21, 2010, 01:07:12 PM »
Mine were born at around 11 am

General Breeder Chat / Re: Houdini Chin...
« on: July 21, 2010, 01:05:55 PM »
lol we thought Thor was big enough for his own cage since he was in there 2 or 3 days before he found a way out (not that I can find anywhere bigger than any other place for him to squeeze out at).
 I can't wait to get our house though, He whines most of the time he's awake because he misses Freya being his cage buddy... Even when I hold him, he spends the whole time trying to get to her and mum's cage. They are brother and sister so can't be caged together anymore. When we get our new place I'm going to try to get him a mosaic (or white if she has any but most of the chins she has now are mosaics) cage buddy from the breeder I got Dagda (my black velvet) from.

General Breeder Chat / Re: Houdini Chin...
« on: July 21, 2010, 11:03:59 AM »
One of mine is still stuck in the kit cage because when he was weaned and given his own cage he escaped twice. And just the other night my sister in law didn't close the top on the kit cage all the way and he escaped again. He's determined to get out. He's been trying to chew through the mesh we put on the kit cage. The only cage he can't seem to get out of is his mum's but the problem there is he's old enough to make her pregnant...  :::((( funny thing is the bars on his cage are only about 1/8 an inch bigger than those on mum's cage.  Hopefully soon he will be big enough to not squeeze through the bars on his own cage.

Q & A / Re: Room Temperature
« on: July 09, 2010, 02:40:38 PM »
50° ??? your profile says you live in SoCal... Why would you need to ask about 50°F?
to answer your question though
A chinchillas native environment is a cool, dry region, they do not tolerate heat or humidity well and become extremely stressed by temperatures higher than 80°F. An ideal temperature for your chinchilla is 60°F to 70°F.

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