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Messages - melissac

Pages: [1]
Q & A / Rookie with a rookie...
« on: November 12, 2009, 10:54:36 PM »
Hi there, I've been reading through the posts non stop practically for 3 days! Tons of great advice and helpful hints, I feel much more relaxed about the whole experience.

I wasn't in the market for a chin but saw this sweet little furry ball in the corner and fell in love. I have a few questions, if anyone can help/advise it would be appreiciated. I have no clue if it's a boy or a girl as the pet store manager ( who was very nice and tried to be as helpful as she could) didn't let me know and I didn't want to stress Chinny out more than he was, and seeing how we've just met I didn't think it would be proper to check out it's genitalia  ;D . So for now, and probably ever it will be ' Chinny ', sorry for the lack of originality but I had to think on my feet.

I have no idea how old Chinny is! He's small probably less than six inches in body length and very slight, is there anyway for me to date Chinny without a vet trip?

I've read a few places that say to relax and wait for him to come to you, and I've read a few places that say pick them up and stroke behind the ears and under the chin to help them realize you aren't a threat. I open the cage doors and he comes out and walks on my palms but if you make a move to pick him up he scoots away. If I just reach and pick him up he has a blast climbing on me and gives me no warning sounds or seem wary. What do you guys think?

He doesn't really go for treats, not even raisins. If you stick it right under his nose he'll take it but won't come looking for it. Walked right over a few oats to climb on me, no interest! Odd or just he's new to me?

Third he does this thing where he's running around and having a grand ole time, then he just stops and stares. A few minutes later he starts wriggling his nose and bounces off... It's like he fell asleep with his eyes open! Is he just checking out sounds or is he suffering from chin narcolepsy?

Thanks for any advice you have!

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