ive actually never weighted her b4 but i have one that i could weigh her now. she weights 14oz now. my other females weigh 1lb 6oz and my male is 1lb 11oz
no none of that applys to my chin, except weight loss. she wont eat nothing but pellets, alfalfa, and the honey treat bar. so idk how to faten her back up....
No her poop is normal nor does is smell. And i cant see her spine, i could tell she lost weight bc my chin had a fat lil stomach now her stomach is small. She was prolly about 4 in wide, now she is only 2 1/2 in wide almost 3. its all in her stomach area. She eats all the time, dont get it. could it possibly be a worm? i no dogs do this same thing......
but other than her all 3 of my other chins are perfect. got a cold the other day but got him threw it and hes perfect now i just cant get chinchilla threw this skinny spell shes going threw.
No i haven't ever changed there food. I've always had the pellets from the pet store. Sense i got home i've been feeding her all the time, which she eats everything i put in there. I watch her. last few days ive been putting alot of alfalfa in there with her. which She loves that. I gave her that honey treat bar that has all there favorite little snacks all mixed up in it, its seemed like that help alil but shes still not as big as she should be or was. Shes still the same chinchilla, She hasnt lost her personality or nothing but i want her weight back up.
I left my chinchillas for a week with my mom and my sister to feed and watch while i was gone, i came back and my chinchilla is now under weight. shes now really small. I've tried feeding her alfalfa all the time, honey bar treats with all their favorites, but shes not gaining any weight back. ive had her teeth checked and there fine. She eats all the time but im not sure what to do now or how to get her to gain her weight back.