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Messages - kyleroger

Pages: [1]
Q & A / Re: Urinating/staining fur
« on: July 17, 2010, 03:34:00 PM »
i can't imagine potty training my chins? is there any techniques to get them to use it? It probably has to begin when they are kits, not full grown adults huh?

Q & A / Urinating/staining fur
« on: July 12, 2010, 12:55:40 AM »
I'm sorry, I know that this question has been asked many times but I am unable to find any of the posts on the topic. I have been noticing yellow coloration of my chins' fur around their genitals. I can't recall but it from what I remember it was related to something bad. It seems a little strange that it is happening to my whole herd. Can I take some unscented sanitizing wipes and call it a day or is this something more serious?

Q & A / Re: preggers?
« on: July 09, 2010, 01:20:17 PM »
Yep, I have a baby proofed cage that I am going to put her in by July 21st. I'm going to keep dad in the cage they are in now and hers will be right next to him. Is there still a chance they can become depressed? What are some signs of depression and what could I do to help while they are still separated? I am definitely separating them because I don't want them to back breed and he is rambunctious, I don't want there to be an accident with him and the kits if she is pregnant. Thanks for the advice!

Q & A / preggers?
« on: July 08, 2010, 08:47:13 PM »
So I think that I mentioned in a previous post that I may have a pregnant chinchilla on my hands. I rescued a male/female pair in early april. When I first got them I noticed that the male tried to mate with her for a few weeks but she wasn't having it. My first question would be 1) is this a sign that she is not in heat? and, could it just be that she doesn't want to mate with him? I never found a mating plug but maybe i overlooked it when cleaning their bedding because it was so small. I was also thinking that maybe their previous owner knew that they mated and that's why they were giving them up.

Well, over the last month she has gotten noticably larger. I haven't gotten a scale yet so I can't determine how much larger yet. She has also been starting to lay down or on her side which she has never done until recently. Her mood has changed, she doesn't like being handled as much as she doesn't want to play outside of her cage as often. I haven't noticed her teets and my estimate is that she is due anywhere from july 21 to august 21. Also, it seems like she has been making very random "warning calls" lately which she has never done, she is usually the docile, quiet one. Any knowledge of advice would be wonderful  :)

Q & A / Aggressive behavioral issues. Can chins be territorial?
« on: July 01, 2010, 01:32:02 AM »
Well my little guy that's been difficult to get along with since I have gotten in him march has recently taken a few steps back. He has actually been getting pretty good with being petted but recently he won't let me touch him, gas been "barking", and even bit me once. I moved their cage because I fell ill and wasn't sure if it was due to allergies (thought I grew out of them as a teen since I have lived with many animals recently). Well I thought that the move would have been beneficial for them too as they have more privacy. But since I have moved them he has been acting very territorial, or so it seems. Like I said, he barks, today it was EVERY time I came near him. I don't know if it is because he doesn't recognize me anymore, even though I obviously have to feed them every day and play with them. Or has he gotten used to the area and marked it as his own, since he doesn't see me walk by often as he did when they were in the hallway. My girl doesn't act any different, just lil boy. I'm also wondering if he could he territorial over her?

Any advice to what could be happening is appreciated and let me know if I could clarify anything that may make things clearer.

Another concern that I have is if my girl has kits (undetermined if she is pregnant because I never discovered the plug but she is showing other signs), is there anything bad that could come from them not being around the father? If she has kits while he is acting like this there is no doubt they will be stressing out because of his behavior. I don't want them stressing out or learning some of his behaviors so I'd really want to separate him, but I want to weigh out the cons before I make up my mind, so any advice concerning that would be appreciated as well!  :'(

Q & A / Re: Snacking & Bonding Advice
« on: May 16, 2010, 03:59:42 PM »
you're right, I heard so many things from certain people that contradict what others have said. I'd think that if a book has been published, it should be a credible source (I guess in the perfect world). But breeders/long time owners actually have experience.

Q & A / Re: Snacking & Bonding Advice
« on: May 16, 2010, 01:31:44 PM »
WTF????! They seriously cannot eat apples or fruit at all??? I was reading a Chinchilla guide at the pet store and it said that they can eat apples. In the book I read they even had a photo of a chinchilla surrounded by fruits. That is ridiculous, those books should be pulled from stores. That is very unfortunate because I bet many pet owners do not seek out second opinions and just do as the book says.  ::tickedoff::

Thanks for the bonding advice though! That is exactly what I have been doing so I guess I will keep at it.

Q & A / Snacking & Bonding Advice
« on: May 15, 2010, 05:50:02 PM »
First, a quick question about snacks. Is it okay if they eat a few slices or the core of an apple or is that too much? My boy will eat anything but the girl, not so much, so he would probably get the whole thing for himself.

My main question at the moment is regarding bonding. I have had them for 2 months now and they are still both pretty antisocial. The girl is a little shy but she's warmed up so that's not my main concern. The boy is still very hesitant to letting me holding him (I don't even try to anymore unless I have to) and even pet him. Is it a bad idea that I've stopped trying? Should I continue to hold him so he has no choice but to get used to it or should I still let him get used to me being around? Is this normal behavior for a chin to be so hesitant? Makes me think more and more that his previous owner abused him, but I have heard that they can be like this since they are not domesticated like dogs and cats.

Cages / Re: Cage transformation
« on: May 15, 2010, 05:35:45 PM »
Cool. great idea!

Cages / Re: Cage transformation
« on: May 14, 2010, 09:35:10 PM »
Awesome! Did you make those wooden ledges or buy them? Where did you buy them, if you bought them? It's nice how they have higher edges on the outter sides. My chins always push their food & things outside the cage, that would def prevent a lot of messes lol.

Health / Re: vaginal blood
« on: May 14, 2010, 09:19:44 PM »
She's completely fine, vet checked eher out, it was nothing. She cleans herself excessively to the point where she got a little bloody. I just freaked out at first because when she urinated it made it look like there was a lot more blood than there really was. Sorry for taking awhile to respond!

Health / vaginal blood
« on: May 08, 2010, 01:07:12 AM »
While my girl was eating dinner I was shocked to see a smuge of blood on her arm and around her mouth. I initially thought that they were being too rough or got bit. She wasn't in pain so I picked her up to examine and I noticed more blood around her vagina. It isn't gushing out or anything, just a smuge. She hasn't had a kit, but could this be a sign that she is pregnant or is something else up here?

Health / Re: Feeding (how much?) & excrement
« on: April 30, 2010, 08:12:54 PM »
ok I am becoming concerned again with the overfeeding. i put hay in their food dish and i refill it everytime they empty it. Now they've almost gone through half of a 16oz bag of hay.

Health / Re: Feeding (how much?) & excrement
« on: April 30, 2010, 06:28:14 PM »
Chinchillas should have food in their cage at all times 1 tablespoon or 2 tablespoons a day is not enough at all. They should be free fed, they will not over eat. As for a lot of poop that is what they do eat, chew and poop

Thanks, that answers my question about how much I should be feeding them. The 2 tablespoons is just of the pellets (not including hay) should they still be getting more?

What about the increase in the amount of their droppings?

Health / Feeding (how much?) & excrement
« on: April 30, 2010, 05:20:58 PM »
I've been feeding my 2 chins twice a day at a regular time. I feed them about a handful of hay and a tablespoon of pellets, and fresh water every day. I am unsure if I should feed them more because one of them keeps eating and looks like he's still hungry afterwards while the other is content. I know that the content one isn't eating all of the other one's food because they don't fight over it. I also am concerned I may be overfeeding them because lately they have so many droppings. I have to clean out their cage way more often than usual, once, sometimes twice a day. I don't give them much more, treats usually every few days. Any advice would be appreciated!

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