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Messages - Luckydiscovery

Pages: [1]
Health / Re: I think I have a problem, but not sure
« on: July 08, 2010, 09:29:19 PM »
I thought it may have been bloat because we switched feeds.  Though I had done it gradually, I was still worried.  I haven't taken her to the vet yet and she seems fine.  Yeah, she does poop and is eating and drinking fine.  She seems to be rather depressed looking or uncomfortable.

She's still growing and yeah we do have another cage for the male if she delivers.  We only have one level left in the cage they are in now and it's not very high.  They seem fairly bored with it, but I don't want her to hurt herself or her potential babies.  I haven't been poking around but I have felt her (she's a very friendly chinchilla... she's my baby) and she doesn't mind being touched, she just looks so uncomfortable/depressed.  I'm trying to do my best to keep them cool (it's been tough up here in NY with all this hot weather!) but they've seemingly been doing fine.

She took a great interest in a few blocks of wood I gave them earlier, so thats a plus!

Thanks for the help and I'll let you know what happens!  ::nod::

Health / I think I have a problem, but not sure
« on: June 28, 2010, 06:09:57 PM »
I have a female chinchilla that I got last july.  She was housed with a mosaic male after I introduced them slowly.  She was supposed to be over a year I think... and He was 3 years I think.  In December the mosaic died and shortly after she seemed depressed so I got a young male (that was born in November) and housed them together.  They have bonded exceptionally well.  She has never been pregnant, but here's the problem.

We recently switched feeds to a comparable rabbit feed (I know people say its wrong, but we compared nutrition and I feel its the best thing to be feeding them).  I honestly don't weight them but I handle them from time to time.  The other day I picked her up and she was huge.  Do chinchillas get bloat?  She still has an appetite, stools are normal, she is just HUGE!  I just figured that since she has never been pregnant before and she was with a male for so long.  Help?

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