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Messages - Kittenya

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Re: escape artist...
« on: September 16, 2010, 07:36:58 PM »
haha thank you! I will have to try it once we find a place. (we're not in any rush, just figure the sooner before winter the better)

General Chat / Re: escape artist...
« on: September 15, 2010, 11:21:20 AM »
One would think after so many petstore mixups and bloopers, I would know better, but I gave the guy the benefit of the doubt... figured how hard was it to know the spacing on a product when you work in the small animals department... *shakes head* so now the cats, dogs, fish and small pets have failed me. and I'm not really a bird person. Which is why I have google and forums :P

lol I have plenty of experience living with significant others since they usually start as roommates/one life has an upheaval soon into relationship that leads to 'why not?', actually, its this whole not living together thing that is weird for me. cohabbited with my first girlfriend for about 1.75 of our 2 years (plus roommats), first boyfriend for 10 mos of our 1 year (with roommates), second bf for the whole 2 years (alone), 3rd was the whole 2.75ish years (mostly with 'invisible' roommates), and the last failure was 4/5 mos (alone)....

And with this one we've been extremely good friends for 4 years, and dated for a whole... month... about 4 years ago. (not relationship issues, just my head needed straightening out as it was on a brief breakup with mr. 2 years, and the current recognized it and put his feelings aside to do what was best for me at the time) So we know even if we break up, as we're both the kind to stay friends with exes (barring certain things) and we've handled a break up before, only to become even closer so...

Throwing caution to the wind, sorta. We've already hit that stage of its not a case of 'will i see you tonight' but instead 'who's going to which house?' and neither of us can sleep a wink if the other isn't there... starting to affect both of our health if we have to stay apart more than a few days... /sigh   His cat even pouts if i'm not there.

This will actually be a record for longest time not living together first... its a strange, strange new world for me, and I find I don't like it much... especially when there are pets at both houses that need care :P

General Chat / Re: escape artist...
« on: September 15, 2010, 09:45:12 AM »
with the mesh, what size would I get? and how do you affix it to the cage? I worry that Mikro might get stuck in between the layers, panic, and hurt himself more.....

But the mesh does sound like an idea. As I said, he'll likely be about 5.5 mos old when we move (We're waiting for a return call about this one place that sounds fantastic for us... but they have a one pet policy and we have... um... 9? but since all but the cat are caged, they're seeing if there is a loop hole...)

Though to be extra extra super safe since we're getting a 2 bedroom, for the first bit testing the ferret cage, we'll be putting mikro in the spare bedroom until we know for sure. That way we can lock the cat out, and if he finds a way out (since he's ridiculously good at it) he can stay safe once we have it chin-proofed.

Q & A / A matter of colors....
« on: September 15, 2010, 09:27:28 AM »
For us new to chinchilla people, I'm wondering if there is a good color-identifying tool? And at what age do chin's have their final color???

I've mostly only encountered white, black and pet store greys, but Mikro is a different shade of grey entirely from what I've seen, and has lightened up since he was born and yet still appears black in the right lighting.. but is also the youngest chin I've met. His parents were both a strange mix of black and grey with a bit of brown in his dad too, but he's the color of a shiny new dime in natural lighting. Assuming he's pretty much just the standard grey, but wondering if I can expect his color to change as he gets older?

General Chat / escape artist...
« on: September 15, 2010, 09:03:43 AM »
So Mikro is almost 4 mos old. (He'll be 4 mos on the 19th) and he's still baffling me with his abillity to squeeze through the bars.

His bar spacing is 1''  with a teeny tiny bit of wiggle room (the bars can ever so slightly bend giving him maybe an extra 1/16th of an inch...) (though I remember the store rep -who i should have learned to ignore by now, but nooo- saying the spacing on that cage was 3/4 of an inch which is why I got it. figured there was no way the rep could screw that up since I couldn't take it out of the box in store)   He can still fit through. Though he has to stop halfway and rest for a bit. Basically means I've been leaving out spare food/water way up on the counter for if he escapes when I'm doing my 'trials' to see if he still can, and just leaving his cage door open the rest of the time (Mikro has been living in my gutted out bathroom... been having to use the boyfriends shower or the friends upstairs shower for the last 3 mos)

Once the bf and I move in together (which is likely november at the latest), we plan on giving Mikro the bf's old ferrett cage. I believe it has unbendable 1'' spacing... But thats going from memory. Whatever the standard is for ferrett cages...

The issue is thus: about how old are they when they can stop getting out by squeezing through the bars? Braden has a cat and the ferrett cage is HEAVY and on the other end of the city, so we're trying to only move it once, which means I can't even test if Mikro can get out or not yet. Which means either figuring out a way to for sure chin proof the cage so he can't get out and meet Floyd the cat unsafely, or waiting to move until Mikro can no longer escape his current cage.

Though I know that Mikro's parents were on the smaller side. I didn't realize that until I saw my friends black Kupo again, but the girl I got Mikro from when he was 6-7 weeks old had some rather small chinchillas. (they just seemed bigger from the two little babies running around, and she assured me the parents were 2 and 3 years old, so full grown)

I love Mikro to death, he's a little snugglebutt and has got to have the best temperment I've ever encountered in chinchillas, but gadzooks I'm a little concerned.

Guestbook / Re: Hiya Folks ^_^
« on: September 11, 2010, 01:46:33 PM »
haha thanks

And yeah... its a bit of a menagerie... And I'm 100% dedicated to all of em. haha.

Guestbook / Hiya Folks ^_^
« on: September 10, 2010, 01:07:28 PM »
Hello people of the forum!

I'm Jen (Or Kit. Or Kittenya. eh. I even respond to 'hey you!')

I'm from Alberta, 20, currently live alone (well. humanly alone. I'll tell about the pets in a min) but will be changing that in a few months as the boyfriend (Braden, 26) and I are currently searching for an apartment that can handle us, plus the zoo for around the holidays. (Funny how hard it is to find decently priced 2 bedroom places that allow all sorts of critters and isn't ridiculously expensive... But. We're not giving up the critters. So searching we go...)

As for the pets...

My line up:

Poi and Lit, two male veiltail bettas
Amp, a male crowntail betta
Uda, a female plakat betta  (they all have separate tanks, so thats 3 ten gallon tanks and one 5 gallon tank with a single fish in each...)
Altair, a male bearded dragon I've had since he was a baby. He turned a year old this past June. (he's spoiled. has a 5x2x2 tank to himself. Even gets his own custom counter.)
Tiberius, an 18 year old female rosie tarantula (had her since I was about 4)
Tyrus, a 10 year old male rosie tarantula (had since I was 12) (so there's two more terrariums)
And finally, Mikro, a male (I think. He confused us as a kit and it was hard to get a good look, but now its pointing toward male...) chinchilla. He was born this past may, and I've had him since July 1st. He likes to escape a la houdini, and as such, my bathroom has been gutted out since I got him and its his territory at the moment. Sigh. But I love him. And he'll be getting a ferret cage that belonged to Bradens childhood ferret once we find a place, rather than his current cage.

And the other halfs lineup:

Floyd. a little over a year old black and white male cat, who loves to wake us up at 6 am for food. And resists all forms of affection. Though, he's slowly coming around now that I'm working with him. Braden is amazed at how much cuddlier Floyd is now.

.. and once we get a new place we plan on adding a girlfriend for floyd so he has someone, and possibly (depending on how Mikro's temperament works out to be) a friend for him.

But anyways. Thats me. And my menagerie. So...

Hi folks ^_^

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