OMG my mischevious chin has taken a HUGE bite out of a fruity gummy candy!!! Im really worried and I dont know wether or not I should be taking him to the vet. He's acting fine right now but I need to know if i should be concerned. Does anyone have any advice?
So is it possible that these pink bumps are his testis even though there about an inch apart? I went to try and take a picture of the bumps today and they were nowhere to be found...
I recently got a chinchilla so im new to this and not quite sure about the AnAtOmY... I was told that my chin was a male when I got him but I recently noticed two pink bumps infront of his bum. They look too far apart to be his testis. I've read that large pink nipples are a sign of pregnancy in female chins... Can anyone clue me in on what these bumps may be.