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Messages - kulatr

Pages: [1]
Health / Choking Sound
« on: July 06, 2013, 10:45:39 PM »
In the past few weeks, my chinchilla (Howard) has started to make a noise that I would describe as a choking sound.  It's not after he eats or drinks (not that I've observed anyway).  But he appears to be wretching.  He'll extend his upper body and open his jaw very wide and make a terrible squeek/choking noise.  He also tends to paw at his mouth when this is happening.  The duration is different each time.  One day he made this alarming noise on and off for the greater part of the day.  Tonight he's done it two separate times for a few minutes each time.  What makes it even more alarming is that after he does this, he typically will curl up and whimper for a long time.  The day he choked/whimpered for most of the day, he laid down and breathed heavily, refused to eat or take any treats.  In contrast, tonight he made the choking noise and accepted a shredded wheat and ate it, periodically stopping to wretch and make the choking noise. 

I posted a video of Howard making this noise.  This is a very mild, subdued version of it.  It's just very difficult for me to watch and to hear.  :(  The video is posted on youtube at the following link:

I know that chinchillas do not have a gag reflex.  So I'm alarmed that he appears to be choking.  Anyone ever experience this?  Also, if there's a way to post the video, please let me know!

Q & A / Nibblers: Male Seeking to be Dominant?
« on: February 28, 2011, 11:28:30 AM »
One more question for

I have lava ledges in my cage for the chins on which to perch and chew. They love them.  However, I notice they often compete for one ledge in particular whenever I'm near the cage.  Not only will they jump to try to knock each other off of the ledge, but if Howard is on the ledge, Vince will bite at the base of Howard's tail to try to get him to get down. 

Since the ledge is no more than 5 or 6 inches from the base, I'm not worried about them getting hurt if they fall (or get pushed) off the ledge, but the tail-biting concerns me.  Howard yips and barks when Vince nibbles his tail, it obviously annoys him and may even hurt him (though Vince never draws blood or anything, just bites the base of his tail & tries to pull him down). 

The boys seem to get along well.  They have small scuffles periodically, but they never last more than a second and I don't ever have to intervene b/c they are so brief and they go back to being just fine.  Is Vince's biting a dominance thing?  Should I be worried about Vince's aggression?  I guess I just get worried b/c Vince seems to be the dominant chin and Howard has such a timid personality that he doesn't physically defends himself, he just barks until Vince leaves him be.  Is this normal chin behavior or should I be worried?

Q & A / Re: About to Travel. Help!!
« on: February 28, 2011, 11:17:07 AM »
Thanks so much, everyone!  My chins are housed together and I will leave them at the house where they will receive food and water.  I guess I just spoil my boys with lots of run around time on a day-to-day basis.  It makes me feel like I'm robbing them when I know they won't get it!  I'll definitely make sure to get plenty of hang out time and love on them plenty before I leave and after I get back....Maybe buy them a new toy or something. AH! I feel so guilty for leaving them!  lol

Q & A / About to Travel. Help!!
« on: February 28, 2011, 09:32:27 AM »
Hey, guys!  Really quick question.  I've been called out of town and will have to leave my chins for 5 days.  I have 2 options and I'm not sure which is best.  Firstly, I can leave them where they are.  I share an apartment w/ my dad so he can feed them and make sure they have water and such while I'm gone.  OR, my sister live very close to me.  She has offered to chin-sit for me and take care of them while I'm gone.  However, in order for her to care for them, I'd have to transport them to her house before I leave.

My concern is that if I leave them at home with my father, they will not get any interaction or run around time.  I know if I leave them home, they will be confined to their cage all day, every day while I am gone.  My dad is not a pet person and does not enjoy interacting w/ animals.  So I know he will feed them, but that is all.  My sister, however, has ample experience caring for pets and attending to their needs.  She also has children who are very good with small animals.  At my sister's, they would not only get food, but would also get time to run around outside the cage (with appropriate supervision, of course) and they would get plenty of socialization and human interaction.

Given how routine oriented my chins are, which is the best option for them?  Even though my sister and her family would provide interaction for them and space to run around outside the cage, would the change in environment be traumatic for them?  5 days seems like a very long time for my boys to go without interaction.  I'm just not sure what to do.

Any advice!?  It would be very much appreciated.  I'm afraid I'm in a pinch.  I leave in less than 24 hours so if it is better for me to take them to my sister's house, then I must do so in the next 12 hours.

Guestbook / Re: Hi. New Kid. :)
« on: February 25, 2011, 11:46:48 AM »
Thanks for all the welcomes!  It's nice to be a part of a group of ppl that all love the same little critters.  lol   ::howdythere:: :chin:

Guestbook / Hi. New Kid. :)
« on: February 22, 2011, 08:03:54 AM »
Hey there!  I'm new to the forum.  My name is Becky.  I'm 27 and live in the US in Pennsylvania.  I am the happy owner of my first 2 chinchillas: Howard and Vince  (Also Known As: Bubs & Nubs).  Howard is a 5-ish month old white wilson and is an absolute cuddle bug.  Vince is a standard gray who is missing one of his front paws (hence the nickname "nubs" because he has a cute little nub where his paw used to be!)

I purchased both chins from a pet store as that's where I first encountered chinchillas and my little one-armed wonder stole my heart the moment I walked by the window filled with lil chins.  I purchased Howard 1 month after Vince because I wanted another chin to keep Vince company on days when I have to work long hours.  They are perfect play mates and I love watching them run around together, groom each other and curl up and snuggle together.

I'm glad to be the newest member of this forum and I'm ALWAYS open to advice on how to care for my lil boys!

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