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Messages - ExoticFamily

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General Chat / Re: Babies Finally!!!! :)
« on: June 02, 2012, 06:10:44 AM »
Man these babies are soo cute! They are coming along great and I'm gonna weigh them tomorrow to make sure they are gaining their appropriate weight! One seems like its a lil smaller then the other, but they are both running and jumping around already! The heavier one I'm thinking of naming Chubbs! LOL!
It's funny because now that they can jump, mom can't hide ontop of her igloo anymore! LOL! Sasha is really a great mom though and I'm happy I got her from the breeder my fiance found!
Her son (that we got at the same time) just mated with our new standard female, and I'm pretty sure it was successful because he started doing that after mating hiccuping weird noise! :)
I also want to say that I love this place because it has taught me ALOT about getting quality chins, and not some random petstore chin! THANK YOU GUYS ALOT!!!

This is one of the babies a few days ago! I can't remember which one this is because they both have a black stripe down the underside of their tail!

General Chat / Re: Babies Finally!!!! :)
« on: May 29, 2012, 11:36:04 AM »
The moms name is Sasha! And they make like a chirping/squeeking sound!

General Chat / Re: Babies Finally!!!! :)
« on: May 29, 2012, 01:26:00 AM »
Thank you!
But man! They are REALLY keeping me up tonight! The babies are making tons of noise, and the mom is being a brat!

General Chat / Babies Finally!!!! :)
« on: May 28, 2012, 01:29:24 AM »
So today I heard squeking when I was feeding my snake, and turned real quick, and noticed a tail coming from under my females stomach!!  :-\ I got a lil frieked out, but once I got close to the cage Sasha jumped outa the way and there it was... one super cute baby! Then outa the corner of my eye I spotted another one jumping into some ferret toys just laying in the room! It had jumped outa the cage and musta been squeeking to find her momma! :)  It came to my hand right away and I put it right back with its mom, and was so stunned I didn't know what else to do but take pics and call my fiance!
After I calmed down and reality hit me, I weighed them (28 & 33 grams) and put the 2 babies and their mom in a smaller cage with smaller bars!
After adding in the gestation length, it looks like it HAS to be babies of Gizmo! :) WOOHOO Way to go!!  :2funny:   
So now I have 2 babies, and I have been already planning for a few weeks to go pick up 2 females from a friend because she is moving and pets are not allowed! So we are fully stocked!  ;)

so here they are!

Other Pets / Re: knit sweaters for ferrets
« on: May 27, 2012, 02:26:13 AM »
The ones you buy from the store usually don't fit right, and they always slink their way outa them!
But you can check out  I know they had some good patterns and pictures of how to DIY a while back!

Other Pets / Re: Diatomacious earth for fleas
« on: May 27, 2012, 02:20:40 AM »
I have had GREAT success with DE! I live in the country, and during the warmer months the fleas REALLY come out! Plus there are alot of stray cats around, and all it takes is my brother walking his dog in my house, and all my ferrets get fleas super quick! It is usually hard to get rid of them because we have dogs, & ferrets, and the ferrets are usually hard to get rid of because they are always sleeping and have their warm spots!

So I usually rub the DE into the ferret hammocks, and rub some on the dogs... if it is real bad, I will rub some into the ferrets fur also! Just be sure to cover their faces because the DE just floats in the air like dust, and this will wreak havoc on any animals nasal passages!

Other Pets / Re: Short Tailed Opossum
« on: March 27, 2012, 12:46:32 AM »
Thank you! He is such a cutie, and just a lil piglet! I've been bribing him with mealworms and dubia roaches, and he is kinda starting to recognize me! I was able to pick him up easily the other day, but today he was VERY skiddish and was too fast to get ahold of! I know it will take a while, but I can't wait till he is able to just chill out on my shoulders!

Other Pets / Short Tailed Opossum
« on: March 25, 2012, 01:42:00 AM »
So I finally got one of my STO's! I have been like a kid in a candy store and cannot wait till I get the female!
Here are some pics of the first introduction to our house! He even bit me! LOL!
Yesterday he ate mealworm beetles off my hand, and today he was licking fruit puree off my fingers!   :::grins::

« on: November 25, 2011, 11:44:20 PM »
OHH MY GOD!! Black Friday was outrageous! We got three 40 inch TV's for only 200$ each and 3 Laptops at only $200 each! You CANNOT beat those prices!!
Although... I didnt go to sleep till 8am this morning! LOL! :)  And Ive had a major headache from a lack of sleep all day today!  :doh:

« on: November 24, 2011, 02:43:06 PM »
Happy Turkey Day everyone!!  :2funny: 
Im gonna munch out on tons of food today! and am so hapyy! :)
I get to hang out with family and my pets! I am soo thankfull for everything!  ;)

I hope everyone has a great and wonderfull day!
~god bless~

Health / Re: Rat Poison!!!! :(
« on: November 11, 2011, 12:05:12 AM »
Thanks everyone for the replies! I have been keeping an extremely close watch on all of them lil boogers!  The have been fine so far, but I still have been babying them! They have been drinking water regularly and eating good, so no proble there! But I still checkup on them and their poop, just for any signs, and havent seen ANYTHING different! 

On a side note... I just got hired at a local Pet Smart, so hopefully I can teach them some proper care/handling techniques for their pets....when I got taken for a walk-through, I had already noticed and pointed out that there were 2 birds that were hurt, and being picked on by having too many birds in one cage!

Health / Re: Rat Poison!!!! :(
« on: October 31, 2011, 08:34:15 PM »
Thank you very much! Your support is extremely encouraging! Ive been praying that none get sick, and I have faith that it will all be alright!
Thank you again for your prayers and support!

Health / Re: Rat Poison!!!! :(
« on: October 31, 2011, 01:54:01 PM »
So far they are looking good! I went out and bought new Tim Hay, and loaded their cages up with it, in hope that they would pass any poison (if they did eat it)!  I stayed up until 3 last night and kept checking on them! And today they all are acting normal! I just pray that they dont get sick!

Health / Re: Rat Poison!!!! :(
« on: October 30, 2011, 10:41:34 PM »
I am extemely upset because i have NO IDEA why the rat poison would be there in the first place! We dont have rats, & Its the same living room that I let my Ferrets, chins, and even my hedgehog run around in! and my grandma was just watching them run around right now, and didnt even think about saying "oh by the way.. I just put rat poison out the other day!" WTF!!!!!  Seriously not cool!!
I am sorry but I am just mad right now! AND She has done it before, she sprayed Round-Up on the patch of grass that I used to feed to my Jackrabbit!! Then he died! and she tells me AFTER "Oh I forgot to tell you not to feed him that grass anymore!".  :doh: :'(       
Im sorry I had to rant!

I just hope it wasn't enough to hurt them! Because the poison control said if they did consume enough, it would eat their intestines!!!   Damn I am hella worried! I want to take it to the vet, but I dunno which one ate it, and I dont have the money to take all 3!

Im gonna pray real hard tonight, and I ask that if you do pray, would you please pray for my chinchillas also!
Thank you and god bless!

Health / Rat Poison!!!! :(
« on: October 30, 2011, 09:56:44 PM »
One of my chinchillas ate 4 bites of rat poison (D-CON)!!!! I callled a few poison control places, and looked online, and the only thing I found was to feed Vitamin-K!  I just sent my grandma to the store to get it, but how much should I feed them, and since I dunno which on ate it, can I feed them all a lil just to be sure

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