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Messages - Marz

Pages: [1]
Other Pets / Re: Pets and Chins sharing the love?
« on: September 06, 2007, 07:58:32 PM »

 |  love that LOL

I'm pretty sure none of my hamsters would even care about my chinchilla. NOT GOING TO TRY ANYTHING. I've had bad biting experiences.

Other Pets / Re: Doom's Dust bath
« on: September 06, 2007, 04:40:53 PM »

I can't imagine a dog doing that!

General Chat / Re: Errr... Chinchilla Help
« on: September 05, 2007, 07:35:49 PM »
Yea, the tray thing was what I was thinking of buying. Right now with the hamsters, we fill a bathtub with very hot water and soak it, then scrub it.

About the hamsters. I highley doubt they will get the chinchilla sick, but I like keeping my hamsters in seperate rooms, just because they really hate each other (long story made short: we bought them, they got along fine at the petstore, disaster at home, they nearly killed each other). Personally, I'm only going to get 1 of any animal, because I'm not prepared for any fights and extra cages.

General Chat / Re: Errr... Chinchilla Help
« on: September 05, 2007, 03:28:34 PM »
Yea, I have a year until I get one, so I'll get plenty of reasearch on them.
I'm shooting to get them in 1-2 months, wich is my b-day.
About the cage cleaning thing, my mom surely won't let me but a bunch of bottles of vinigar, anything else I could use? Or can I just scrub down the pee, instead of soaking it?

General Chat / Errr... Chinchilla Help
« on: September 04, 2007, 06:56:19 PM »
Well, I am 12 and I might get a chinchilla in a year or two. When my hamsters pass :'( I probably will get one.

I have a few questions:
I wake up early at 6 am in the morning on school days to say hi to the hamsters, and when I get home I have a good bit of time. Will that be enough to play with them?
What type of food should I give them? I've heard of the best food mix, Mazuri, alot of people have had sucsessful chinchillas with it. Should I feed it timothy hay? IF so, how much? How much food should I feed it, 1 or 2 tblspoons?
I heard every time you clean the cage, you have to soak it in vinigar. Is it nescessary? I would really just like to wrinse it out, for a 2-3 story cage.
How good of eyesight do they have and how smart are they? What kind of taming techniques should I use?

I have done quite a bit of reasearch, but I would really like to talk with people who own chinchillas in person, right now, and I want to make sure all the info I have collected is accurate.

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