Q & A / Re: Want to adopt a chinchilla!
« on: September 13, 2007, 07:10:48 PM »Yea, the hay and dust are what would cause you problems.
Go to the breeders directory on the chin club site and look at what it lists in your state. There are website links you can explore, see what is available, and get in touch with the actual breeders.
I have never left mine alone for more then one full night. You should have someone that can check in on them to make sure they are ok and give them fresh hay, food and water. Especially if it's for more then 1 night. You never know if they will chew through their water bottle or try to escape or get hurt.
Chins are very entertaining and different from hamsters. You won't get bored with them.. the only problem is you might end up wanting another!
So pretty much if i couldn't find someone to take care of it, than it wouldn't be the worse thing to leave them alone, granted they had PLENTY of food and water! right?