General Chat / gross cage problem. Help!!
« on: October 13, 2007, 01:58:36 PM »
I have acquired a chinchilla and need help with a cage problem. Sadie likes to pee and poop on the shelf she spends most of her time on. Not to worried about the poop part but the pee is gross. She ends up sitting in it and I think that is very unsanitary. We want to build her a new cage but don't want the same problem happening. Anyone have any ideas about this? I have seen pictures of some cages and under the shelves are pans. Thought they might be there as sort of a litter box but the chinchilla's can't toilet through the wood...or at least mine can't! Thought of chicken wire (but with smaller holes) then scratched that idea because I was afraid her nails or toes would get stuck and then she would break something. Help please!! I really need to get her into a more sanitary environment. Thank you in advance to anyone that has some good ideas.