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Messages - DavidKosa509

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General Chat / Problem Chin!
« on: April 09, 2013, 08:58:09 AM »
Hey guys. So I have a problem with a chinchilla getting along with new ones I just adopted. Her name is Sandy, and I got her when she was only a couple months old. At the time, I had an older chinchilla, Gabby, who was about 6 or 7. They bonded immediately, and Sandy looked up to her as a mother. Now, Sandy is about 4, and she is HUGE. Biggest chinchilla I've ever seen. Gabby had to be put to rest this past weekend due to a brain tumor and Sandy knows that something is wrong. I had to get her some new roommates, so I adopted a mother (aged around 4) and her two daughters (aged around 2.5). They are very sweet chinchillas, and they let me hold them and pet them and everything. Sandy, on the other hand, has developed quite a prima donna personality. She doesn't like being held or touched and this has worsened since Gabby died. I also have a cat who loved Gabby and never got along well with Sandy, but she gets along well with the new chins. Sandy likes to lunge forward in the cage at the cat sometimes, but when they're out running around, they seem to get along fine.

I brought Sandy to the owner's home, and let her run around in a pen with the three new chins and they seemed to get along well. On the ride home, she seemed distant. The three (obviously, since they are bonded) cuddled with each other while Sandy was off on her own, pouting. Upon bringing them home, I put them all together in a big four-story cage I have. At first it seemed fine, but before long, Sandy pushed her way into a wooden house that two of them were sleeping in, and they begin clicking. Then, she lunged forward, attacking the mother, and biting her! I stopped them immediately and things settled down. However, moments later, she attacked one of the children, and the mother was not having that. They sprayed and clicked and finally I just took Sandy out and put her in a separate cage. Seems like I have a problem on my hands...

Now, I understand what Sandy has gone through, losing her friend she has had all her life, and now these new creatures moving in to her home. Like I said, Sandy is seriously HUGE, and when Gabby was sick near the end, Sandy would walk all over her, almost bully her, even though they were close friends. I really love these new chins, they are so sweet, and I'm afraid Sandy's negative personality will rub off on them. I can't keep them in separate cages forever. I thought about taking the new chins, one at a time, and putting them in a pen with Sandy to try and acclimate them, but I am afraid for their safety, because Sandy could destroy them with her weight alone. So what is the best thing to do moving forward? How do I get them to all be friends? I've never had a problem like this with chins before, and I'm really at a loss. Below are pictures of Sandy (with the bars across her face), Nan (the mother) and the two sisters. Thanks for your help!

~ David

Health / Re: Chinchilla Teeth Issues...Please Help!!!
« on: November 18, 2011, 10:48:36 AM »
So it seems like Gabby is just about all better. She's to stay on the antibiotics for another week and a half and then the vet will give her another x-ray to see that the infection is gone. She looks so much better, and her mood has improved considerably. Thank you for all of your advice!

~ David

Health / Re: Chinchilla Teeth Issues...Please Help!!!
« on: November 09, 2011, 12:21:14 PM »
Well, I really should have just taken her to this vet from the get go!

This vet seemed extremely knowledgeable about chinchilla teeth problems, and has plenty of experience dealing with rodent teeth trimming. He took an x-ray of her, and found an abscess in her upper right molar. Also, her incisors were pointy and in great need of trimming. I had no idea!

So, he trimmed her incisors, and put her on an antibiotic and a little bit of a painkiller to knock out the infection. I'm bringing her back in a week to see the progress. Within 24 hours, Gabby started looking visually better. No more drooling. No more nose running. And she is way more active too, and it seems like she is eating the hay again. What a great vet!

So it seems like she is getting better and the abscess was the major problem for her. I'll keep you updated on her progress. Thank you for your advice!

~ David

Health / Re: Chinchilla Teeth Issues...Please Help!!!
« on: November 04, 2011, 09:38:00 AM »
Hey, thank you for responding to my post. I have an appointment set up for Gabby on Monday at a new vet. I brought up the possibility of an x-ray and tooth extraction, and the guy said he can do an x-ray if necessary, but they prefer to not extract teeth as it can lead to more misalignment problems. I guess I'll just wait to talk to the vet in person. This clinic specializes in "exotic" pets, and it seems like they have good experience with chins.

It makes a lot of sense that her runny nose could be caused by the upper molars growing up into her nasal cavity. As for eating, she does eat, however, I can tell it's not comfortable for her. She stands over her food bowl for long periods of time working on getting food down. It seems like she's successful, but eating is a bit of a problem for her. However, I haven't seen her eat any of the hay I have in the cage, which is also a problem. It's tough to tell if she's lost weight at all, she is a small chinchilla to begin with. She does not eat chews, they're too hard for her, but she will eat the occasional cheerio, raisin or dandelion drop I feed her. As for being active, when I let her out she does run around a bit, which I see as a good sign. She's obviously not as active as her cage mate, who is four years younger, but she definitely still loves running around my apartment.

So I'm taking her in Monday, hopefully the vet will have some answers for me and know the best direction to go with her. Thank you!

~ David

Health / Chinchilla Teeth Issues...Please Help!!!
« on: November 02, 2011, 01:13:37 PM »

I own two chinchillas. Sandy is about 3 years old and Gabby is about 7 years old. Gabby, the older one, seemed to be having tooth problems, as well as a cold. I brought her in to a local vet, who, after checking her out, told me it seemed like she may have a problem with her molars. He ended up putting her under, and explained to me that at least three of the four sets of molars were misaligned in one way or the other. He shaved the molars a bit to improve the problem, and explained that this would have to be done every 6 months or so to keep them under control. He gave me a painkiller to give her for a week, and some trima. sulfa for a minor cold he suspected she had. I gave her the sulfa for three weeks.

Now, the above occurred about a month and a half ago, and Gabby has been getting worse. At first, her runny nose went away, but has since been reoccurring now and then. Worse, she has been grinding her teeth almost NON-STOP. She is obviously uncomfortable, and I believe in pain. And worst, she has been drooling EXCESSIVELY. Oftentimes in the morning, when I first check her, all the fur around her mouth, her chin and all the way down the front of her body to her front legs is SOAKED with saliva. Before having her teeth trimmed, the drooling, runny nose and teeth grinding only happened infrequently at best, and now she is CONSTANTLY grinding her teeth and drooling.

I can tell Gabby is in pain and is horribly uncomfortable. Upon calling up the vet again, he explained that she may have a root infection. If this is the case, he explained, there is no end-all solution. He could give her antibiotics, painkillers and vitamin C, but there is no cure if her roots are infected. My questions are this:

1) Does this sound like a root infection?
2) Could it be that the tooth shaving may have worsened things? This seems like the case...
3) How serious of an issue does this sound?
4) Could the runny nose be related to her teeth problems?
5) Should I trust this vet? It just seems like her condition has worsened considerably since bringing her there...

If it would help to post a picture of her, I will. The area around her mouth really looks bad...

Please help with this...any advice would be helpful. I am worried about her...

~ David

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