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Messages - kau_cinta_ku

Pages: [1]
New Births / Re: new twins
« on: February 02, 2008, 12:07:06 AM »
very sorry for the late delay have been very busy. but all in all the kits are doing great, running around and playing very friendly. we just love them to death. here are some recent pic.s

this one found it's way into daddy's cage lol

and here is the brother

is there an estimate on how much weight they should gain a day or week? as they are gaining weight as they are up to around 75-80 grams each now.

Guestbook / Re: Hello from Malaysia!
« on: January 22, 2008, 08:55:35 PM »
halo, apa kabar? glad to have you around. nice variety of chins you have.

New Births / Re: new twins
« on: January 22, 2008, 07:46:18 PM »
actually it is hard to say their actual weight as the scale isn't digital but I can tell the smallest one has gained some weight. we are gonna pick up a digital scale this weekend to make reading alot easier. hopefully they have those at walmart.

as for the nipple they prefer I have noticed they each have their own one they prefer.

New Births / Re: new twins
« on: January 22, 2008, 05:02:44 PM »
first off thanks for the info still. the dad has his own cage now not a tank it is the same as the other cage but put the smaller wires on it so that is where the kits and mother are at.

I am also guessing they are older but still can't say for sure as I had to take their word.

the mother still weighs in at around 500-550grams and the babies both weigh at around 50grams how much weight are they supposed to put on a day around? as one isn't gaining weight but also isn't losing weight and the other is only gaining about 10grams a day.

we have let the kits run around the daddy a little bit and seems all he does is sniff them and cuddle with them so he seems to be a good dad ATM.

I will try to take some more pic.s later on of the new kits.

thanks again.

New Births / Re: new twins
« on: January 19, 2008, 05:09:21 PM »
thankyou so much for the info so far. the oldest baby weiges in at 30 grams and the youngest is at around 50 grams. the mother weighs in at 550 grams. I didn't notice any tears around the vulva and her stomach is soft (no lumps)

we put the mother and the babies into a seprate cage yeaterday away from the male after we noticed that the male wouldn't leave her alone. the new cage that the babies and mothers are in is just a big aquarium 75 gal. so no cage bars to deal with.

we bought gerber apple juice and mixed it 50/50 with water and the mother has beeen drinking really well. also got the KMR both the powdered and the liquid kind. is there a better one to use between them? also got the rice cereral and I have plenty of extra eye droppers from my reef tank.

New Births / new twins
« on: January 18, 2008, 07:36:57 PM »
ok all sorry to have to make this my first post on here. but the babies were deff. unexpected as when we bought these 2 chins 3 monthes ago we were told that they were only 3 monthes old. so them now only being 6 monthes old I really wasn't expecting babies so soon. but is there anything special we need to be doing for the babies or the parents? we already feed them alfalfa, and pellets.

here is a pic. of the dad.

and here is the mother

and here are pics of the new babies.
here is the oldest born at 3:20pm

and the youngest born around 4:00pm

any help would be greatly appreciated as I am still very new to all this and like I said wasn't expecting so soon.


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