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Messages - ZyMOS

Pages: [1]
Health / Re: Fur biting
« on: March 12, 2008, 10:13:57 PM »
Ive had him for about 6months for the first 3-4 months he was fine, even when i first got him he was really friendy, no fur biting.  I also forgot to mention, my friend visited for a month, and i had to keep him cage more that usual.  For some reason, my friend didn't like poop on the bed. But that was all a month ago, and it seems to be getting worse.  Also he used to have a wheel in his cage.  I made it lopsided so he could only run for 30 sec at a time.  But aat x-mas it broke.  Thats when the fur bitting started.

 Is/has there been a change in the diet?  Different brand?
yes ~months ago, i changed from timothy hay & alfalfa based pellets to alfalfa hay & timothy hay based pellets
Im allergic to timothy hay

Are you wearing a new perfume?  Using a new shampoo or conditioner?   

Changed brands of washing detergent or softner?  New cleaning products?  New Air freshner?

I read one rasin a day is too much.  Is that true?  I mostly give him oats. If i get rasins, i seem to eat them all.  Another worry i have is he chews on allot of cardboard and paper.  Can this be bad?  He has cardboard tubes, and his, outside of cage, hideout is a cardboard box, he chews on allot.  I used to have a book i gave him to chew on. (he didn't eat the glue, just the paper), but i took it away from him, because i worry.

But anyway he is a cutie, you can see him helping my build a transformer. 

Health / Fur biting
« on: March 10, 2008, 10:54:13 PM »

My chinchilla, named Chaluppa, has been fur bitting. I think.

Above his hid legs his fur is short and spotty., but not bald.  On both sides. It started as a small patch but is getting bigger and is about 1/8 of his fur now.

I read it can be due to stress.  I have done some travelling where i had another take care of him, but that was one week in Dec, and 3 days in mid Jan.  I have been at home since.  My schedual is the same every day.  I let him out at 5pm, he hides in his out-of-cage cubby till 8, and then he plays from 8pm till 12.  almost the same every day.  I give him dust baths 1-2 times a week.  I give him treats 1-2 times a week.  He doesn't seem stresed, but something must be wrong......


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