So what about oil lanterns or scented candles? I have some scented oil in my room to keep it smelling woodsy and outdoorsy. I also burn some scented candles from time to time. It either or both of those harmful to him?
There actually are two windows, but they are more like window wells (I live in the lower level of an apt in the city) He is exposed to moonlight and sunlight, but it definitely is not like getting a normal amount of sunlight from a regular window. When I get home in the afternoon or evening I have plenty of light on for him and several days a week let him roam the bathroom. He seems to be a pretty happy chin but I just wanted to dbl check. Thanks for the feedback!
My chin's cage is in my room where there are no windows. I am frequently gone most of the day and early evening. My roommates would rather me not leave the lights on while everyone is gone for energy saving and potential fire hazard purposes so he is in a dark room until I get home in the evening. Even though they are nocturnal and sleep most of the day I wonder if he would prefer not being in the dark for so long. Since they are nocturnal, though, can they see very well in the dark making them indifferent to having little light?