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Messages - Cyrusandme

Pages: [1]
Health / Re: Chinchillas Foot Has Blood On It
« on: October 10, 2012, 05:23:47 AM »
Wow, I am so sorry you and your chin have to go through all that.  I hope he heals up soon and things start getting better for both of you.  It sounds like you are doing a great job.
Did the vet mention syringe feeding if he is not eating?  I had to do that for awhile when my chin was on Baytril, it upset his stomach and he stopped eating.  I fed him to keep his system going and we changed the antibiotic so he was ok from then on.  But maybe your needs some supplemental feedings to help him along.
Your pictures are adorable.
Keep up the good work and let us know how he does.

Health / Re: Chinchillas Foot Has Blood On It
« on: September 29, 2012, 07:34:37 PM »
How is your chin doing?

General Chat / Re: Somebody talk me out of this!!!!!!
« on: September 11, 2012, 07:06:28 AM »
This shelter is usually pretty good because of the vet they use.  But, there is a chance they were given misinformation.  AND I DO NOT WANT BABIES!!!!  Plus, Cyrus is very very territorial.  I would not be able to live with myself if he injured or killed her.  So, that answers that question.  I don't have the room for another large cage, so if it did not work, I'd be in a bit of a bad spot.
Thanks.  I kind of knew all this, but just wanted validation.  I think he is fine alone.  I see no signs of depression or self mutilating behaviors.  He is perky and personable.  I will leave well enough alone and have the extra time to devote to  him.

General Chat / Re: Update on HRH (His Royal Henry) & Casper!
« on: September 10, 2012, 07:25:13 PM »
Very cute.  They are so big compared to my guy. 

General Chat / Somebody talk me out of this!!!!!!
« on: September 10, 2012, 03:00:14 PM »
Just saw our local shelter has a spayed (?) chin.   So I have a few questions for the experts.
First of all, providing this actually IS a spayed female, how likely is it that I can introduce her to my male chin and have it work?  He will charge his cage bars to go after the cats, and one time when I held one of the guinea pigs up to meet him, he really got nasty.  So, will it work if I slowly introduce this little girl to him.  Or is he truly okay alone.  All the other species we have (horses, goats, rabbits, ducks, guinea pigs, dogs, cats, have a partner or, in the case of the ducks, partners (we have 7).  Is Cyrus better off alone?  He is far from lonely.  He does not want the cats or pigs in his space, but I see him watching them.  He gets out of his cage at least once, sometimes twice a day for play time in the bathroom.  The computer is in the small animal room, so I am in here a lot.
I don't want to take her and find that it does not work out.  I don't have the room for another cage permanently, I can make do while they are aclimating, but I don't want two big cages in the room.  So, she would have to live with him.  He is about 4-5, she is less than a year.
My husband is going to clobber me if I do this, but hey, he gets over stuff fast! LOL
About a year ago I wanted to get another chin.  Found a female at another shelter.  She definitely was spayed.  I adopted her on Tues, the shelter was closed on Wed, and I was to pick her up on Thursday.  I called Thurs am and found out she had died.  When I talked to our small animal vet because I was very upset, she said spaying chins in VERY risky.  And that her little body just could not handle the surgery.  I was devastated.  I had the room then for another cage, but then I got a 2nd GP, and also put a large ex pen down for their play time, so the room got a lot smaller!
Anyway, deep down I don't think this is probably a great idea.  But I sure would love another chin.  This is a lovely shelter and she will go to a good home if I don't take do I do??????????????????????? ::shrug::

Health / Re: Hello, new here
« on: September 06, 2012, 07:43:24 PM »
Thanks, I am glad it is what it is.  I put the carefresh on top of several layers of newspapers instead of the fleece.  We will see if everything clears up.  He's on the meds for 10 days and I hope that takes care of it all.  Still worried and will watch him very closely.

Health / Re: Hello, new here
« on: September 06, 2012, 05:02:04 PM »
GOt back from the vet awhile ago.  She thinks it really is from always being on hard surfaces.  One hock is a bit puffy, so got a different antibiotic .  I am in the process of making bedding areas so he can get off the hard flooring/shelves.  I am cutting up cardboard boxes, lining them with fleece and newspaper, and adding some carefresh and a small box of hay in each one.  Fingers crossed this helps.  Also, doing the bag balm thing.
Thanks again to all that responded.  Will update in a few days.

Health / Re: Hello, new here
« on: September 05, 2012, 07:40:52 PM »
He seems to be a happy chin.  He has playtime out of his cage.  He has enrichment toys that I rotate.  He has food 24/7.  He actually likes people as long as they are not trying to pick him up. He comes to the sides of the cage for scratches. He has 2 guinea pigs and 2 cats for company. He is not afraid of the cats, one will give his cage a wide berth, the other will occasionally play with him, but he can get away of he chooses. His life is the same as it has always been.  He was neglected as a baby/youngster, and I know they don't forget things, but I honestly think he has a good life now.  Certainly the best I can give him. 
I have the best exotics vet in the area.  Recommended by my dog and cat vet, the shelter I got him from and several pocket pet owners that I know. 
He does not pull his fur out.  He has no bald spots.  Nor do I find clumps of chin fur in his cage or the bathroom when he plays there.
He had a wellness exam a while ago.  She checked his teeth, eyes, ears, felt his abdomen, etc.  He does have a heart murmur.  We shall see if that is the issue.
I AM scared.  I don't want to lose this little guy.  I am no youngster (by a LONG shot), and he is my first chin.  I treasure him.  I will do the best I can for him.
Will post what the vet says tomorrow.
Thanks for the input.

Health / Re: Hello, new here
« on: September 05, 2012, 01:42:19 PM »
AARRGGH!!!!!!!!!!!!  I just saw that he is chewing on his front leg.  Just made a vet appointment for tomorrow.  Not messing with this.  I thought he had gotten some of the blood from his back legs on his front leg, so I took him out to look.  Sure enough, it is raw.  Ugh.  So made an appointment.  SHe is not in this afternoon, or I would have taken him today.  The other vets there don't specialize in exotics so I want to see our regular vet.  He is peppy and happy, so I think I can wait till tomorrow.

Health / Re: Hello, new here
« on: September 05, 2012, 01:28:41 PM »
Are allergies common in chins?  If so, what are the symptoms?  Could he be chewing due to itchiness?  I think I will make an appointment for him tomorrow at the vet.  I just need to get a better handle on this.

Health / Re: Hello, new here
« on: September 05, 2012, 01:19:36 PM »
We tried to figure out what we could put around the cage to keep  the bedding in, but the only thing we came up with was stuff he can chew.  Plus the doors present a problem.  The tiny cage they gave me at the shelter was better in some regards, but waaaaay too small, so we got this one.  Other than this, it's worked out well.

Health / Re: Hello, new here
« on: September 05, 2012, 01:14:23 PM »
The vet was not sure if it was actually bumblefoot, she just mentioned bumblefoot in conversation, part of the foot looked a little puffy, but not bad. At this point, I cannot tell if it was calloused, dry, flaky or not, the skin is all scraped off. Honestly, now I feel like a terrible chin mom, but I never looked at that part of his feet.  He does not like to be flipped over on his back and I have to do that to look at his legs.  So, I really never checked that part of him.  I keep a close eye on his eyes, ears, coat, activity level, poop, etc, but never had reason to look at his legs before.  I've dealt with bumblefoot in ducks, but that is a lot different.  It is the flat part of his back legs that is bleeding and raw.  It was healing very slowly, but was getting better. It looks more like the skin got scraped off, rather than one spot.  And it is mostly his right leg, I think the left just has blood on it from the other leg.
Putting bedding in this cage is not really feasible.  It is a ferret cage and I did it when I first got the cage.  He pushed most of the bedding out. There is no lip around the edges.  He only pees on the newspaper and it absorbs it pretty fast.  I just changed the paper a few hours ago and all the pee spots are dry already. He never pees on the hard surfaces where he sits. He pees and leaves the spot quickly, mostly in the corners.  I can try to put a box in there with some bedding in it to see if he likes to pee in that.  Ha!  What are the chances though!
It is strange, he never had a problem before.  Nothing at all has changed.  He's been healthy since I got him.  I am so worried...................
Thanks everyone for the answers, I appreciate it.

Health / Re: Hello, new here
« on: September 05, 2012, 09:49:22 AM »
Hi Chinclub!

It was oral Baytril.  He is off it now, it as given more as a preventative measure.  I don't usually like to give or take antibiotics, but I agreed in this case because I was so freaked out by all the blood and was so worried about him.

Absolutely nothing changed in his cage.  He has been in there since I got him.  It is a ferret cage.  Hard plastic shelves and he never chews them.  I don't put shavings in cage, I use newspapers as I have all along, and change them daily.  Cage is completely dry.  Water bottle isn't leaking.  The wood shelves he has are not splintering. I have looked and looked and cannot find a single thing that should explain this.  So upsetting and frustrating.

Such a mystery.............................

Health / Re: Hello, new here
« on: September 05, 2012, 08:44:41 AM »
Hi Gray Rodent!

It has been a nightmare!  The first time I saw all that blood was so scary.  Especially since I thought he was peeing blood.  Then upon examination, we realized it was his feet.
The vet thought possibly bumblefoot.  It was hard to see if there was inflammation.  If there was, it was very little.  Does not look all that inflamed right now.
I didn't even wait for the vet to tell me to syringe feed.  I had the Critical Care on hand from a few weeks ago dealing with a guinea pig with mouth issues.  So I grabbed it and got it into him ASAP.  Didn't think I could do it with him as he is not
The next step of figuring out why it happened is the real mystery.  I have never seen him chewing  his feet/legs.  I thought maybe the wheel was the problem, but he has not had the wheel for the duration.  And is missing it too, btw!  All the surfaces are smooth in the cage, not protruding wire.  Took out the lava ledges.  Just don't get it.
My husband pets and hand feeds Cyrus daily.  He is very hand shy.  He was bought as a baby from a pet store by someone for their 8 year old child.  He did not handle him well or properly.  Or take care of him the right way.  He had not been given a dust bath, had not toys and was eating adult chin food.  They finally relinquished him at about 9 mos old.  He was in foster care with a GREAT chin mom, and she brought him a long way.  But he is still very hard to handle.  I am home all day, so he is much more used to me, but even so, he still can be skittish.  Or sometimes just bratty! LOL.
I was glad to read this is not that uncommon.  I feel horrible.  He seems to feel ok.  He looks okay. 
I thought of aloe for it, or bag balm.  Waiting now for vet to call with suggestions for other topicals.  I am hesitant to go the antibiotic route again unless we absolutely have to.  If we have to do that, I will probably have to cancel my trip, which will not go over well .  Ugh.  I just want my baby to be ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Health / Hello, new here
« on: September 05, 2012, 06:27:54 AM »
New to this board and am hoping to get some help.  I have one Chin, Cyrus, who is around 4.  Sorry this will probably be long
Before I get into the reason for my posting, I will say I have taken him to the vet, and am still in contact with them.  In fact waiting for call back now.
The situation is this.  On 8/27, I woke up to find blood all over his cage and wheel.  He was acting 100% but it looked like a blood bath in there.  I immediately called the vet, took him in (vet specializes in exotics, shelter I adopted him from also recommended them).  The blood was coming from his back legs, the flat part that he rests on.  So, vet examined him, gave me an rx for Baytril, leg was a bit inflamed.  I gave the baytril, it put him off his food, so called vet, she said to discontinue meds.  Syringe fed him for a day to get him back into eating and he was good to go.  Bleeding had stopped, he was healing, back to eating, drinking and pooping, all was good.  This am woke up to a ton of blood again.  BTW, I took out all his lava ledges, and his wheel (one of the really nice stainless steel flying saucer ones) when this first occurred.  The cage is a nice 2 level ferret cage.  No wire anywhere, all smooth surfaces. Have no idea why this could have happened.  I am really worried.  I asked about topically treating it, instead of oral meds, don't want the whole off the food thing again. 
Is this common in chins?  Anyone have any suggestions on doing something.  I am so worried.  I have to go out of town on the 13th for 4 days.  Hubby and a pet sitter will be caring for him. They will do whatever is necessary I know, but I am the only one that can really handle him well.  He had a rough start in life and was not well taken care of or socialized before I got him.  He doesn't trust anyone else but me too much. 
Thanks in advance for any help that I get.

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