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Messages - Prophet of Frida

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Re: Chinchillas, Anyone?
« on: January 26, 2013, 08:15:00 AM »
1) I only have one for now, although I'm exploring finding her a friend. She's about three and a half months old.

2) Her name is Frida.

3) When I open her cage door for her evening playtime, the first thing she does is lean out and wait for someone to kiss her on the nose. She remains motionless and will even let you do it more than once, and then she commences with her antics.

Cages / Re: Thoughts on wooden cage accessories?
« on: January 23, 2013, 08:59:03 PM »
Awesome, thank you for your input!

For inspiration, I've been looking at the CagePlan stuff on eBay, which looks awesome but appears to only be available to ship in the UK.

Cages / Thoughts on wooden cage accessories?
« on: January 21, 2013, 07:19:53 PM »
Over the weekend, I visited with my brother, who does woodworking, and we were talking about what would be involved with making cage accessories for my chinchilla. As we made plans and looked up safe woods and how to prepare it for use and what's already out there being designed and made for others, he pointed out that once the templates were made, it would be fairly easy to make pieces for other chinchilla owners as well.

We want to go slow to make sure we're doing this right and creating things that are safe and useful for chinchillas. I know what I'd like to see him make for my chin, but I thought it might be a good place to start to get input from other chinchilla owners.

What are some wooden items that you would find useful?

(For example, I've been looking for a hidey house that can come up off the floor and sit high in the cage, since that's where I see my chinchilla wanting to sleep. The only time she uses her box on the floor of the cage is when there's someone here. When I come home after being away, she's always sleeping up on a perch, and moves down when people start making noise and turning on lights. I've found some that I like, but availability has been an issue; the winter months clearly aren't a good time to look for woodworking.)

If you could take an existing product and do something to improve it, what would you do?

What designs have you tried that ultimately didn't work out very well?

What wood has worked best for your chinchillas?

If down the road we were to choose a cage to design around that would fit the most owners, what would make the most sense? Ferret Nation?

Thanks! Looking forward to your input. I think this could be fun, if done right.

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