Health / Re: Utterly Lost, Weight loss
« on: March 10, 2014, 08:11:57 AM »
Thank you for replying. I did take him to my vet. Apparently he is not losing weight, he just looked skinny because he was losing his fur in places. He was still over 500g, so his brother Gus is just an oinker compared to him I think. He is currently on an antibiotic to possibly treat a skin infection, and I tried to separate them because the vet was thinking the hair loss could be contributed to Gus "overgrooming" Blue (or basically taking advantage of Blue feeling under the weather). I spent all weekend trying to split the cage in two so that they were seperated, but they've been distress calling to one another. Yet another heartbreaking (and, yes, annoyingly loud) thing to get used to for a little while. But thanks again for the advice.