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Messages - Stephie23

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Re: Play time
« on: March 14, 2013, 09:45:01 AM »
I usually let mine run in the bathroom when I let him run because I am able to make it chin safe. The room where his cage is in is not safe for him to roam in because there are many cables and power cords and materials that are not safe for him to chew. I don't like to let him roam in other rooms because I am afraid he might chew a lamp cord and get electrocuted like others I've seen on this board.

Since I pretty much live and work in the room his cage is in it is not a problem. That and his cage is gigantic and gives him lots of room to run around although he usually doesn't do that except for late at night. When he is fully grown I will get a wheel for him to run on as well.

When I take a break from the computer I'll open the cage and play with my chin there or sit down and play with him while not letting him jump off. It has been hard training my chinchilla to do that without me having to restrain him but there is progress. He is getting used to sitting still on my shoulder like a parrot.

I'm seriously impressed that your chin sits on your shoulder. I think Belle is trying to get closer to that point. She will walk up on my chest and play with my hair when her cage door is open and I'm standing there. She likes to nibble at my necklaces and earrings and plays with the zippers on my jackets. She won't sit still for too long though. She just happened to run up in my lap last night as we were encouraging her to go back in her cage so I got a few cuddles and some time to get my hands on her and check out how she was doing. I don't like having to catch her while in her cage, FOR ANYTHING, because it takes days to get her to trust me again.

General Chat / Play time
« on: March 13, 2013, 07:36:58 PM »
Just wondering what everyone does for their chins regarding play time or out of cage time?

We allow Belle to run around our dining and living area (supervised) for a while with access to her dust bath and a few toys as well as our legs to jump on and off of. She jumps up and down on the couch and uses a dining table chair to jump down from and back up on for access to her cage on a table.

Also I've heard many of you refer to the chin room. We keep Belle in the common area of our house. She seems happier when we don't have her separated from us. She sleeps well during the day in her wooden house and comes out from time to time to eat, interact and then goes back to sleep. She doesn't seem to complain much about anything.

General Chat / Re: Chinchillas, Anyone?
« on: March 13, 2013, 06:36:00 PM »
Welcome to the forum!!  Your chinchilla is so cute!  Does she has a white belly?  From the picture it looks like she has a dark belly which would make her an Ebony.  I looking forward to hearing more about your chinchilla.  :)

Thank you!! :) I'm happy to be here! :) Her belly is nice and dark, so she's an Ebony for sure. She's a spunky one, but super sweet at the same time. Very vocal and doesn't like us touching her back at all, but when she lets us hold her she really enjoys a rub down and behind her ears and jaw rubbed. She's such a goofy thing. She absolutely loves running around the house and treats of all kinds (safe ones). She bounces around her cage like she's flying (we're trying to figure out a larger cage for her so she can do this more). Talks to us from time to time, and her best friend seems to be a 45 lb lab mix (boyfriends parent's dog). LOL!

General Chat / Re: Color anyone??
« on: March 13, 2013, 06:32:07 PM »
Its not uncommon for Ebonies to be smaller than other colors.  Its a negative genetic trait from breeding mutation to mutation you have to be very careful about when breeding.  (Same with the violet and sapphires)  It doesn't make her any less healthy she just won't get as big. :)

I had no idea, thank you! :) I absolutely love her color and she's so incredibly soft. She's gotten fluffier and softer since I got her, but not any bigger. She seems really happy and healthy :)

I'm really quite excited about learning more and possibly getting another chin in the future.

General Chat / Re: Color anyone??
« on: March 13, 2013, 06:29:41 PM »
She is SO BEAUTIFUL! wow!

Thank you! :) I really lucked out when I got her! :) I was sad when my sister said she was going to re-home her and I just kept thinking about her. One 4 hour drive later and she was settled in at our house and getting to know us and the pups. She's such a sweet girl! :)

General Chat / Re: Color anyone??
« on: March 12, 2013, 01:27:58 PM »
Thank you!! :) I absolutely LOVE her! I can credit my iPhone for 1 of those photos but the really good ones are courtesy of my boyfriends Cannon T3i. She's great when it comes to posing for photos also. :) I have a model chinchilla apparently. HA!

She's on the smaller side from what I can tell, I'm fairly certain she was a petshop buy before my sister had her. I took her on about 7 months ago and she's been a great addition for us! :) Becoming more and more social everyday with lots of patience and a more hands off approach.

General Chat / Color anyone??
« on: March 12, 2013, 08:50:48 AM »
I'm new to the chinchilla world and trying to learn as much as I can to make Belle's life the best it can be. I'm not sure about color, and I'm hoping these pictures will help. Anyone have a good idea of her color? She's dark on her belly as well and her feet are mostly dark. Front toes are more a gray color. Her ears are a light gray color with limited hair on them. Her tail is dark as are her eyes.

General Chat / Re: Chinchillas, Anyone?
« on: March 12, 2013, 08:41:32 AM »
I'm new to the board and I think this is a great post to jump in on...

I have 1 chinchilla currently. Her name is Miss Belle. I'm not sure, but I think she's a Black Velvet. I'm new to owning a chin. I got her from my sister who adopted her from someone else. She's about 4 1/2 years old. She's a very active chin and is becoming more and more social with myself and my boyfriend since bringing her home and keeping her in a common area where we spend all our time. She even interacts with my two dogs who weren't too sure about her to start. (safely from inside her cage)

I have always been a rodent lover (had a couple hamsters who had a few litters when I was a kid), and have enjoyed having small birds as well. I've been researching chinchilla care, best options for cages, their little quirks and demands, etc for the past 5-6 months. I'm still learning about mistakes my sister made and things I've had to change as well as mistakes I've made and habits to change. I can't wait to learn more and possibly add another chin to my home. :)

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