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Messages - taylorlove3

Pages: [1]
Q & A / HELP please! Baby Chin that mom won't nurse
« on: March 29, 2013, 12:58:52 PM »
Hello!  This is my first post and I am in great need of help!  My chinchillas -- I have two -- we were told they were both males, had a baby Thursday morning.  I've had them both for almost two years, and this was a first.  I googled a lot of info that said the mom chin would take care of everything.  Well, she is very aggressive to it, she pulls it fur, bites its foot, so much that she bit a toe off.  She simply will not tolerate it anytime it gets close to her. I took it away and bought a seperate cage for it.  I've been feeding it with a dropper a mix a goat's milk, water, and infant rice formula, which I read on another chin-type website. 

The daddy chin is great with it, but I really want the mommy chin to nurse.  I reintroduce her to her baby about four times a day, but she is so aggressive I am worried she will kill it.  Any suggestions?  Also, anything that I need to know to take care of this sweet baby?

Thanks in advance.

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