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Messages - Barbilar

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Re: Should I Get A Chinchilla?
« on: April 06, 2013, 09:18:15 AM »
Thank you soooo much :) I forgot to mention, but taking them on holiday is a definite no! We go abroad, stay in a cramped caravan or motor-home and sometimes go to very hot places. I may not be an expert, but I know enough to tell that it would be unfair on the poor critters to take them with me.
 Also, it would be impossible to fit there large cages in our caravan or motor home!

 Thank you sooo much! ;)

General Chat / Should I Get A Chinchilla?
« on: April 06, 2013, 08:58:25 AM »
 ;) Hi There! I just joined and I came here to ask some advice on whether or not I should get a Chinchilla.
       Currently, I have one remaining gerbil who is four years old and like a best-friend to me. His buddy died in November 2012 (R.I.P Shay) but he is still going good. However, I know that soon, there will be a time when he joins his brother and I will be parted from him. This is a big dilemma for me because he plays such a big part in my life and I dont like to think of when he is gone ::cry222:::
 So I decided I would like to plan ahead, so I will be prepared for when it happens, with a fresh new start. I dont want another gerbil, as they are not independent and need attention, which is not ideal as I started secondary school this year. I quite like the idea of having a chinchilla as they are more independant and larger, and generally fit in with my lifestyle.
 These are some aspects of my lifestyle and I would like to know if they suit a chinchilla:
*I live in cold england
*We own a pet cat
*The house we may be moving into is quite large (not a mansion though hehe :) )
*I like to have adventurous playtimes with my pets (NOT in a cruel way)
*I like to give lots of attention to pets
*My school hours are from 8:00am to about 4:30pm, however I have a few afterschool clubs
*We go on long holidays! We go for the whole summer holidays (6 weeks) and every/every other half term

Also, here are some questions:
*How expensive are cages?
*Do they live in pairs, groups or solo?
*Do they live in light areas or dark areas?
*How expensive are average babies?
*Can they be trained to use a toilet, respond to there name?
*How messy are they on a scale of 1-10, 10 being incredibly messy
*How smelly are they on a scale of 1-10, 10 being smelliest

  Thanks in advance. If you have any other advice please post it :::grins:: rofl ::)

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