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Messages - lifeisgood.lisha

Pages: [1] 2
Cages / Re: Tips for a happy Chinchilla!
« on: February 10, 2014, 04:18:53 PM »
Also, I was looking into metal pans for my ferret nation cage. Do you know where I can get the best price for them? How is this one comparatively?


Cages / Tips for a happy Chinchilla!
« on: February 10, 2014, 03:59:46 PM »
I feel like my chinchilla has been getting bored recently with my being gone so long during the days. What kind of toys do you use for your Chin? Any great websites you know of to get cheap/good quality toys? I usually keep pumice supplied in her cage and occasionally will buy her willow chews/wood blocks... I want her to be happy. Any tips?!
 ::silly:: Thanks!

Cages / Re: Bedding Advice?
« on: November 14, 2013, 01:33:50 PM »
I think the soreness on her hind-feet is due to the bar ladders. I plan to get rid of those this week and replace them. I highly doubt it's from urine because of how frequently I take care of her cage. I sweep up her poops every day after work and then wash/change the fleece once a week on Sunday or Monday.

I had not thought of litter box training her... Interesting idea. Maybe I'll look into it! Thank you!!! You guys are so insightful.  :)

Cages / Bedding Advice?
« on: November 11, 2013, 04:48:31 PM »
My chin has redish/pink hind paws. I suspect it's from the wire ladders (which I plan to get rid of ASAP), but the Vet also mentioned it's possibly due to my fleece liners? Has anyone else experienced this with their Chins?

I guess I wanted to ask what types of liners do you use and what have you found is the best? I have avoided the wood chips because of the risk of respiratory stuff and how messy they are.... What do you think?  ::shrug::

Health / Re: Chinchilla vomited, HELP!
« on: November 11, 2013, 04:34:24 PM »
So the verdict is, she's fine! Horrary!
I guess she might've just slightly choked and that was that. It hasn't affected anything, it just scared me that night. Thankfully nothing serious happened. I don't think you can exactly Heimlich a chinchilla... Other than that she handled the check up well.

The vet recommended me getting her timothy hay from the local feed store instead of Petco and try mixing it with other grasses like barley, oat or brome. Also to decrese her intake of the Mazuri pellets and supply more hay than the pellets. I live in Oregon where we don't get much sun, she also would like me to either get her a UV bulb or set her cage outside for a period of 8-12 hours a day. She also noticed some redness on her hind paws, which can either be from the wire ladders or the fleece she said... So I need to invest in some better ledges as well as putting some lotion on her paws for awhile. So... new food, increased exercise, UV light, keep an eye on her feet!

Do you have any recommendations as far as good places to get new ledges and other types of liners that might be better for chinchillas? I like the fleece because it's easy clean up... but if there's something that'd be better for her I'd be willing to do some extra work.


Health / Re: Chinchilla vomited, HELP!
« on: November 09, 2013, 02:58:40 PM »
She's doing just fine, oddly enough! I have been sweeping her fleece liners every day observing for any changes and there has been none. She's still drinking, eating, and her output is normal. I am so thankful.

I still have an appointment early Monday morning for her. I think it would be good to get a check-up, just in case. This will be her first check-up with me as her owner. She had a previous owner that I got her from off of craigslist back in August.

I'll keep you posted and let you know how the appointment goes on Monday ::)

Health / Re: Chinchilla vomited, HELP!
« on: November 08, 2013, 02:50:36 PM »
I had her in my bathroom. She was running around and investigating when all of a sudden she stopped, stood on her two hind paws, began to make an odd sound with her mouth open moving her tongue back like she was going to throw up and then after about 10 sec of this a little green fluid drooled out of the corner of her mouth. After that she jumped up on me and wanted me to hold her. Almost like she was seeking comfort... After that she was very affectionate and when i went to put her back in her cage she immediately went and lied down on her chinspin exhausted and breathing more heavy than usual.

I'll just keep an eye on her...

Health / Re: Chinchilla vomited, HELP!
« on: November 08, 2013, 02:19:27 PM »
I made an appointment. She is still eating normally, drinking normally, her fur looks good, her teeth look orange like they should. Maybe she just choked a little bit and it was saliva that came out. It was green though, so I'm not sure. She's more perky today, so hopefully she's okay over the weekend until we get in on Monday. I'll just keep a close eye on her and no treats.

This will be her first checkup. Do you have any tips for a stress-free visit? What are some ways I can help keep her calm? I don't want to traumatize her. I just bonded with her not too long ago.

Health / Chinchilla vomited, HELP!
« on: November 08, 2013, 03:03:17 AM »
I read in other posts online that chinchillas cant vomit, but Mochi began to dry heave and then a little greenish fluid came up! I put her back into her cage and she seems more tired than usual. Which to me, is a red flag. Granted we did just play for an hour, but still... What should I do? Has your chin ever done this before? I'll be calling the vet tomorrow.

The only thing that I can think of that I've done any different than usual is I purchased her new treats. The contents of it are rose hips, carob pods, puffed wheat, rasins, ground corn, oats, dehydrated potato, heat processed peas, dried mountain ash berries, puffed rice, wheat middlings, veggie oil, calcium proionate (preservative).

She tried the rose hips and the carob pod. The product is not expired, but due to her reaction I don't think i'll continue to feed it to her. Bleh, i'm worried...  :'(

Health / Is it okay to use a glade plug-in near your chinchilla
« on: September 09, 2013, 12:25:26 AM »
I currently have my chinchilla in my bedroom. I change her liner's once a week, so she's not the one who's smelly. My roommates don't want to move the trashcans from near my window and in consequence.... My room get's smelly from time to time.  :-\

I imagine chinchilla's have sensitive noses, but I'd love to use a plug-in to freshen things up. What are your opinions for my chinchilla's health if I use one in the same room as her?

Q & A / Re: I have one sassy chilla! Question.
« on: September 04, 2013, 03:58:29 PM »
I'm considering getting bobby pins to secure the fleece under the pans to the cage so she can't pull it up. I just keep forgetting to go to the craft store to get some.

Q & A / I have one sassy chilla! Question.
« on: September 04, 2013, 01:59:11 PM »
I take my chin out every night and sweep the poops off her fleece liners every morning. I also rotate her toys around her cage every night and hide timothy hay cubes for her to find.  I love spending time with her, she's my buddy. However, I've been having problems with her pulling the fleece liners on the corners when she get's bored/wants to come out in the morning! I have them long enough so I can wrap them underneath the pans. When she does it while I'm around i'll gently blow on her to get her to stop, but she keeps doing it. Chinchilla's are stubborn!!! How can I get her to stop? Do you have any ideas for how to fasten the fleece down so she can't do it even if she tries? I don't enjoy blowing on her.

Her pans are plastic underneath in her Critter Nation cage. I'm in the process of getting metal ones, because i know plastic is no bueno for chinchillas! Hence my concern for her pulling up the fleece. She doesn't seem to chew the pans anymore. I think she's pulling on the fleece for attention I think. Little sassy thing  ::) Ideas? 

Thanks!  ::silly::

Q & A / How do you get a chinchilla comfortable with being held?
« on: August 23, 2013, 12:07:11 PM »
My chinchilla Mochi is super sweet. She lets me scratch her head/back/belly anytime I want and comes to me when I open the cage door for attention. I often will hand feed her the timothy hay from her feeder when I get home from work (she thinks it's a treat), give her scratches and talk with her about my day. She'll come and lean on my arm and gently nibble my hand.

The only thing is, she's having trouble trusting me with is picking her up. How have you gained the trust of your chin for holding them? I know they are not super fond of being cuddled to begin with. However, I'd like to get to a point with her where I could pick her up out of the cage and take her out/put her back in. I've been enticing her with the dust bath to get her back in the cage. That works fine, but i'd like to bond further with her! Any tips?

She's also picky about her treats. I've yet to find a treat that she'll bend over backwards for. So far I've tried cheerios, cooked un-salted pumpkin seeds and willow/apple branches. I want something not to high in sugar content, as i realize it's not good for them.

Thanks!  :)

Q & A / Odd sleeping habits.
« on: August 23, 2013, 11:57:32 AM »
My chinchilla Mochi had a previous owner. The owner used newspaper as liners and kept her in the family kitchen in the critter nation cage. She never had a little house to sleep in though. Since they are 'prey' animals, I'd figure they'd like a little hidey-hole and a place to sleep during the day. I am now using fleece as liners and got her a large hard cardboard chinchilla tube, but she doesn't sleep in it! She just sleeps behind it or next to it  ::) Is this normal? I guess since she's never had a house she's used to not having one...

I just figured now that she has one she might begin to use it if she wants to. They have little houses at petco, but I think they're made out of pine trees. I've read pine is not good for them so I have not purchased one. Any opinions to make a nice sleeping place for a chin? 

Thanks  ::silly::

General Chat / Re: bedding??
« on: August 15, 2013, 01:58:17 AM »
I agree. I personally think the fleece lining is much easier to clean, more cost effective in the long run and safer for chinchillas than most bedding's. Your local craft store will often have sales on fabrics and that would be the best time to go and get a couple yards, depending on how big/small your cage is. Plus, it makes the cage look super nice and cute depending on what fabrics you choose. If you end up with left over fabrics you can also make your Chinchilla a nice hammock or something!

With the fleece I just sweep up the poops with a tiny dust pan I got at the dollar store once a day. Chinchillas are super low odor, so I imagine washing the fleece liners once a week or every other week would be just fine. Weather you decide fleece liners/aspen/kiln dried pine/, just keep away from kitty litter, ceder, newspaper, for sure. There is controversy on the kiln dried pine though as it can cause respiratory problems if it was not treated properly.

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