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Messages - NatanHaim

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Re: Comfortable temperature range
« on: December 10, 2013, 05:18:37 PM »
Thanks Gray!

I have a similar AC unit for the summer.  Wanted to make sure I wasn't letting them get too cold in the winter.

I had been leaving my window open before (around 55°F at night) and they were a bit grumpy.  They cheered up as soon as I closed the window.  Now it's around 60-65°F.

General Chat / Comfortable temperature range
« on: December 09, 2013, 05:36:09 PM »
Hello All,

What is the optimal temperature for a chinchilla?  I know that they must be kept cool, which is a problem in the summer.  Now that it's wintertime, I want to make sure my chins don't get too cold.  What is the prevailing wisdom for optimal temperature?

Q & A / Re: Please help me with new chin owner trouble!
« on: August 29, 2013, 04:23:02 PM »
Thanks to everyone who has posted to this thread so far.  Great suggestions abound!

I adopted a pair of chinchillas this week (sisters from the same litter, six months old), and I love them! I have had similar issues to all of you with regards to petting them, and getting them to go back to their cage when playtime is finished.  They just want to continue running around my room, chewing on things and hiding.  So far I have used their dust bath as a lure - when they go to take a bath, I cover the entrance to the bath house with my hand and bring them back to the cage.  Clearly they don't like this, however, as they are starting to become skeptical about taking a bath.  I will discontinue this tactic.

My concern so far with getting them back to their cage is that they stay away from it during their free time.  My bedroom is rather large, and they'd much rather run under the bed, run around or hide somewhere.  I could move their playtime to my bathroom, although getting them to/from the bathroom doesn't seem possible without using the bath house trick.  There's no way they trust me enough yet to let me pick them up and carry them between rooms.  Any suggestions?

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