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Messages - mrchin88

Pages: [1]
Health / Re: HELP!! Chinchilla foot injury!
« on: December 22, 2013, 08:19:23 PM »
Update on my chin. Hes not doing very well. The day after the vet came...he seemed to be doing good, and as of today he has been very lethargic and he will not eat. All he does in lay down on his side, and his breathing is labored. I called my vet and she is on vacation till next week. I have a feeling he wont make it through the night. Im so heartbroken and don't know what to do. Ive been petting him and talking to him. He wont even move. If he makes it through the night... I will bring him to my local vet. Unbelievable how quickly they can get so sick. He wasfine, and of all the sudden hes not. I just wish the vet would have gave him antibiotics right off but she said there was no infection and hed be fine. Pretty sure she was wrong... :(

Health / Re: HELP!! Chinchilla foot injury!
« on: December 18, 2013, 09:21:03 PM »
The traveling vet did come see Mr.Chin finally. She said that his paw was not infected, and it looked clean. She thinks that he'll be able to heal on his own. She owns a chinchilla and specializes in exotic pets, so I'm hoping she's right. He's still eating, and drinking...and pooping. Just, he's not eating as much now, so I'm worried. I was wondering if I can give him his dust bath even if he has a wound. I read online that some chins get depressed when you deprive them of their dust bath, so I'm wondering if that's why he's not acting like himself, or if it's because he's recovering from his wound. I haven't given him his dust in a while now. If you could let me know... I'd appreciate it!

Health / Re: HELP!! Chinchilla foot injury!
« on: December 12, 2013, 06:37:18 PM »
Thanks so much! I'm going to try the neosporin application tonight. I've been checking on him, pretty much every 5-10 minutes, and he has seemed to let up on biting his paw. I did get a hold of the traveling vet, and she will only be able to squeeze Mr. Chin in on Monday morning. I'm hoping that isn't too long. She told me to just watch him, and make sure he doesn't do anymore biting or chewing, and to  keep the area clean.She said he's probably in pain, and that's why he's chewing. I feel so bad & wish I could do more for him now. I'm also really hoping that no amputation is needed, and maybe just a couple stitches, and some antibiotics will do the trick. Though, I'm willing to go to any measure to help my little guy. He is still eating, and pooping... so that's a good sign. He just hasn't been moving around as much. I will probably be up all night making sure he isn't chewing.

I might try to get him into the local vet tomorrow if he seems to go downhill. I just hate to bring him there because this vet has a very bad reputation for being money hungry people with no regard to the animals. Blah... We'll see!

Thanks for all your help..and happy to hear the parrot recovered okay! The things we do for the pets in our lives... :)

Health / Re: HELP!! Chinchilla foot injury!
« on: December 12, 2013, 04:15:16 PM »
Thank you for replying! It looked like it was doing okay when I went to work this morning...wasn't bleeding, just looked red. He really  won't let me look at it good. But today when I got home from work, he was chewing on it, which made it worse. He's bleeding little spots all over the cage now. I called a vet an hour away, and they can only take him on Monday morning. I'm still waiting on a response  from the traveling vet. Apparently she specializes with exotic pets. My  nerves are a wreck. I've been trying to get him to stop fussing with his paw. I applied a little hydrogen peroxide to his paw, and tried cleaning it up the best I could. Just want him to get the right care ASAP before it's too late!

Health / HELP!! Chinchilla foot injury!
« on: December 12, 2013, 02:18:34 PM »
Two days my boyfriend noticed  that our chinchilla (Mr.Chin) was fussing with his foot. When I went to look, I noticed his foot was very red, with a little dried up blood on it. It kind of looks like all the fur is gone off his foot. I have no idea how this happened. I'm thinking his foot probably got caught in the cage somehow. He walks on it a little, but has been favoring his other foot more. He's still eating, and acting normal, but I am WORRIED sick about him. I live in a small town, and the vet here SUCKS, and they probably wouldn't know what the heck to do with a chinchilla injury. There is a traveling vet in the area though, and I called today, still no response back from them. I'm just hoping this vet will be familiar dealing with exotic pets. This is my first chinchilla, he's about 9 months old. I bought him for my 8 year old son's birthday this summer. He has become a huge part of our family. I love the little guy, and just want him to be okay. I'll post a picture, and if anyone could give me any advise, or suggestions, it would be GREATLY appreciated!!! Thanks......

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