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Messages - Lifeinlace

Pages: [1]
Health / Re: My Chinchilla has fur missing on her face! HELP
« on: March 19, 2014, 07:23:54 PM »
For the last couple of days I have been dusting her daily, but usually I dust twice a week since it's winter. I'm sure that's the recommended amount for the winter months but if not correct me. I don't like to over dust because I do find her ears get more dry.

Thank you very much GrayRodent!
Very much appreciate you help!

Health / Re: My Chinchilla has fur missing on her face! HELP
« on: March 19, 2014, 07:06:21 PM »
Here is a picture, the best I could get close up to the missing fur. Perhaps it will help?

Health / Re: My Chinchilla has fur missing on her face! HELP
« on: March 19, 2014, 06:58:33 PM »

How sure are you that the animal is itching all over?

I have noticed her scratching everywhere on her body within the past couple of days quite a bit.

What is your chinchilla's diet?

She is given pellets and Timothy hay, nothing with excessive nutrients or ingredients.

What kind of bedding are you using?

I line her cage with fleece since I have gotten her and keep it very clean.

Is there fur missing from around the base of the ears?

No fur missing around her ears what so ever.

Does the skin on the ears and feet look dry or irritated?

They look dry but not irritated.

Health / My Chinchilla has fur missing on her face! HELP
« on: March 19, 2014, 06:40:25 PM »
Hi, so I woke up a few days ago and like always went to say good morning to my chinchilla Miffi. My heart dropped when I noticed a line like patch missing from her nose!!! I'm concerned it may be stress from a new cage or possibly fur fungus!? I've noticed today that she's been scrtching  her fur more everywhere and I am thinking she may have dry skin? I checked out her "bald" patch and there doesn't seem to be any signs of fur fungus no red irritation or anything like that but she does seem to be scratching like I previously state so that leads me to believe that it is just dry skin? She still acting normally, still her crazy spunky self!

If anyone has similar issues or has come across this with their chinchilla I would much appreciate your advice and or to hear your story! I really don't want anything to be wrong with her.



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