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Messages - Kathy R

Pages: [1]
Health / Re: My chinchilla has a small cut... I'm highly concerned
« on: March 27, 2014, 04:13:43 PM »

Khloe has been healing exceptionally fine! She hasn't been nibbling on the area so that's a huge plus. The  cut already has a scab and is pretty clean. Like I stated before, she has been jumping and running around normally, the only thing that she doesn't do at the moment is put full pressure on the paw, which of course I'm aware that this is going to be taking time. But my hunny bun is doing good!! Thanks again to all the put in some input and gave me comforting words!!!

Kathy  ;)

Q & A / Re: Homemade treats??
« on: March 24, 2014, 01:10:51 AM »
I've done dried apple slices! My chin Khloe goes nuts for them!!! and they're very easy to make in the oven!

Health / Re: My chinchilla has a small cut... I'm highly concerned
« on: March 24, 2014, 01:05:37 AM »
Thank you so much guys!!! I checked it today and it's looking pretty good. She's just not fully putting pressure on it, but she still walks, runs and jumps as usual. I'll try to get a picture of it, but I'm glad to say that it's smaller than I thought it was!  :::grins:: I'm a bit calmer now, and I'll definitely just keep watch and monitor her healing process! Thanks again! :)

Health / My chinchilla has a small cut... I'm highly concerned
« on: March 23, 2014, 08:40:32 AM »
Hey everyone, My name is Kathy, and I am a first time chinchilla owner. I have a standard grey chinchilla which I received as a Christmas gift from my boyfriend. When he gave her to me we believe that she was between 6-9 months old, but we aren't sure. she's the cutest little thing, and I have learned to love her the same as my cat! We named her Killer Khloe Colon and she is just a joy to be around... ANYWAYS! Last night Khloe decided to jump from my arms and landed on my bureau, not a safe place for her because I have a lot of things there, well she seemed to have cut her front left paw with a photo frame that I have. As I was inspecting the wound it didn't look big or bad, it's a small scrape and it  bled for a only a few minutes. But I'm concerned... she's still running around and occasionally licks or nibbles the area, I honestly don't know what she's doing to the wound. She's not putting to much pressure on it and when she sits up she pushes that paw back. Everything I read says to let her be and it will heal itself to just keep an eye on it, one place said to clean the wound and add some neosporin ( thought that was crazy), another one said to put some alcohol (thought this was cruel), and the last one said to get her dust bath, put new dust and let her bathe in it. It's so much that I feel overwhelmed and don;t know what to do, and I can't help feeling guilty and worried that something bad is going to happen. Can anyone please give me some insight on what I should do next, or if I'm over exaggerating :( :-\.

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