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Messages - skiblits

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Re: making a cooling unit
« on: April 15, 2014, 11:02:25 AM »
I'm not actually using any ice. I now have 10 gallon water jugs that I keep frozen and 7 24oz water bottles that stay frozen. We have 3 freezers so I have been able to keep them all frozen and I rotate them out of the cooler every few hours when the ice inside of the jugs starts the melt. I also have 3 granet slabs that I rotate out of the freezer when I need to. I would love to get a real air contitioner for the room but I don't have $400 to spend on one right now which is why I have resulted to making my own, which seems to be working fine.

General Chat / Re: making a cooling unit
« on: April 14, 2014, 08:49:25 AM »
I do have a humidity guage in the room and it never goes above 30%. Most of the time the humidity is at 0%. I live in Colorado and its really dry here.

General Chat / making a cooling unit
« on: April 13, 2014, 11:32:34 PM »
So my place is huge and my roommates are not keen on the idea on the huge bill it will take to keep the whole house at 75 degrees. So to solve this problem my chinchillas have their own fairly small room. I have made an air cooler by getting a 5 gallon styrofoam cooler, cutting a hole in the top and putting a 3in. curved PVC pipe in it then cutting a hole in the other end of the top and placing a 6in fan in that hole. Then I place a gallon of frozen water in the cooler along with a few frozen bottle of water. When I turn the fan on it pushes the cold air out. When checking the temperature it seems to cool the room down decently when its not boiling hot outside. Outside it was at 80, the house was at 78 and the chin room was at 66.  When it gets hotter outside I want to make sure that the chins stay cool so I want to build one more cooling system. Is the way I have done my first one the best way to go or is there another more efficient and still cheap to make way to do a cooler.

General Chat / Re: New with chins and have a few questions.
« on: April 13, 2014, 11:17:55 PM »
Thanks a ton for the help everyone! My boyfriend has fallen in love with the chinchillas as much as I have. I did contact the person who gave them to me and he said that he naught them fro. A breeder in the UK while he was over there with the army and naught them with papers to breed these two specifically but of course he can't remember the breeder or find the paperwork. He told me that he had lost interest in breeding them a few months after moving back to the USA. I would really like to try my hand at breeding. I have a low long cage already set up and I am starting to weigh my female every night during their play time outside of the cage. Is there such a thing as too much play time? I'm a dog trainer by day and have a lot of paper work and puppy report cards to do  at night so I save it until evening time when the chins are up so I can be in the room with them and keep an eye on them as they play. They get a minimum of 2 hours to run around but usually get 5 hours as I'm working from about 8pm-1am every night accept for Friday night.

General Chat / New with chins and have a few questions.
« on: April 10, 2014, 10:55:52 PM »
I run a reptile rescue and I recently agreed to take in a pair of chins. The previous owner had wanted to breed them and lost interest after they had both turned a year old and failed to produce offspring. I have done a ton of research to make sure that I have them housed propperly and I just finished building them their own air conditioning unit for their room. I do need to know if I need to separate them. I don't mind the idea of raising baby chins and in fact I really enjoy the idea. I used to breed gerbils  as well as breed a variety of parrots so raising young is not a new thing to me. Do I need to worry about them breeding if they haven't done so already? I have been reading up on breeding just in case the female happens to already be pregnant i want to be fully prepared
 Would it be best if I got the male neutered or is that too risky? I have had male gerbils neutered before once they were over a year old so that they could stay with their mate. I don't want them to get depressed if I separate them since they have been together for most of their lives. I know other animals can go through and secure depression when separated from their cage mates and I want to make things as stress free as I can. Despite these guys coming in as a rescue I have decided to keep them. This is my first pair of chins and I have fallen in love with them. They have their own chin proof room to run around in and I would love to build them a big custom cage just as I have done with my other pets.  Thanks for your help.

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