Hi, yesterday I noticed one of my chins is sneezing more than usual. I took her out and examined her and everything looks fine. When I took her out of the cage her sneezing stopped. I just put a new wooden sleeping hut in their cage on Friday, so I'm wondering if she's allergic to that? They chew on it and create wood chips and dust so maybe that's the problem.. I took the hut out and cleaned up most of the wood chips. Any more input would be great :-) thanks
Just in case you all wanted an update, Ivory is off her meds (as of day 10) and seems to be doing pretty well. The staining is still there I'm sure, but haven't seen anymore grinding after grooming.
Thanks, sounds good. Tonight will be the ending of day 5. Is the total time of baytil supposed to be a week? My vet didn't really specify. Should I start the Bene-bac today too? If so, how do I give it to her and how much?
When I was giving this morning's dose I looked at her underside and it's still stained yellow. She could've been sitting in pee the whole time or her underside is still stained since she's white. Should I keep giving the baytril? I haven't seen her grooming down there anymore and doing the grinding her teeth thing after.
Thanks, I read up on it a little online and many posts said it'd be fine unless it looks ones separated, as you said. I think what needs to be refrigerated in mine is the vanilla butternut flavoring. I chilled the medicine before I gave her this morning's dose. I'm getting the bene-bac powder today too.
Sorry I didn't get back to you yet! My dog got sprayed by a skunk and we've been trying to bathe him :/
I can't really tell her fecal output since she has a cagemate, but I've seen her poop today and I also saw her drink. After I gave her tonight's dose I gave her a cheerio and she ate that and I put some hay in front of her and she was munching on that.
I haven't seen the brown stuff anymore so not sure what it was.
The vet said that a 450 g chin would get a .2 cc dosage, but my chin wasnt weighed so she couldn't give an exact estimate. She's bigger than a lot of chins I've seen so she could prob use a little higher dosage, but I'm not sure. So glad I didn't give the.4
At what point would I have to start giving critical care? Only if she stopped eating completely? I'm glad she's still eating at the moment though.
Also I saw something in the cage that was light brownish this morning in only one place. It was kinda wet but didn't look at all like pee or poop. Just wondering if you knew what that was?
Spoke to the vet that administered the meds and they told me the corrict dosage for a 450 g chin is.20 cc. So glad I haven't been giving the complete .4cc since I thoughg it seemed like a lot. Ivory isn't eating as much as she would without the meds, but she's still eating so I'm glad about that. She ate 2 cheerios this morning and I saw her eat her Timothy hay last night. I don't know about eating her pellets though, haven't seen much of that. Might pick up some critical care tomorrow just in case. I guess it's available at most pet stores?
When I was giving her her dose this morning as soon as I pushed the srynge down she moved away so it all squirted on her neck/chest it wasn't that much so do I just leave it there? I gave another dosage since none of it got in her mouth the first time.
I will. When I was giving her the dose this evening I got half of it in and then she pulled away, but when I tried to give her the rest she started licking the syringe and wanted more. She must like the taste.
I'll make sure to keep her on the meds until the course is over. I gave her another dose this morning. She ate a cheerio and some hay this morning (that I saw) and was eating regularly last night.