Thanks very much guys, a lot of good info here.
I've changed their diet straight away and got rid of Charlie Chinchilla - and replaced with a good amount of Timothy Hay & Chinchilla pellets. I never knew about keeping the duster out, so good tips here also. Is it okay to feed them raisins as a treat, like going back in their cage etc as I read that somewhere else but not sure to do or not.
I also wanted to ask if there's any way I can train them to pee/poop in a certain place rather than all over the cage, for their own cleanliness lol.
(In my prev post about my cage being plastic bottomed - it's plastic overlay then wire underneath. Pic below)
Another thing I want to ask is about bedding - they current sleep on a wooden ledge, but have a wooden hut thing they go in to hide too, what type of bedding is best to get for them - as the previous owner had blankets down on the cage and they were very smelly and dirty.
My chins:

Their cage:
