Hi everyone!

My name is Ana and my herd's name is Aymara dos Andes

I'm a chin lover, but not only: I love animal in general. I've two female dogs: An Australian Catle dog named Nikita and a Yorkshire Terrier (toy) named Yuki.
Also have a tortoise, 2 corn snakes and a hognose (those ones is my husband that takes care of). But is not all: I also have 4 sugar gliders cuples. (they are the other passion).
About chinchillas: I've about 18 chins: some standard grey, some bege and a few of others mutations. I like all the colors, but what I realy love are chinchillas!

I'm a certeficated veterinary clinic assistant.
Since some years ago, I've study all I find about chinchillas health, breed and all that concerned to chins.
I've lost some chins for a ténia... it was very sad

but now all are ok.
See you around.