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Questions from a 3 weeks chinchilla owner!
« on: February 19, 2010, 08:30:44 PM »

Well first of all, im new to this forums so i just wanna say hi to everyone =] I just got my chinchilla about a month ago so i still have a lot of questions, please help me answer them  ::silly::

1. Is it ok if i use cat litter for his litter box? To be specific i use the ARM & HAMMER Odor Alert Clumping Litter, i love it (it smell great,sometimes i even go to his cage to smell it lol) and my chinchilla love it also, but he doesnt really pee in it. However, he loves to play with it, and so the litter is all over the ground of the cage. Sometimes he even sleep in it. So i'm wondering if the litter is bad for him?
2. Do different brand of food has different taste? im just worried that my chinchilla get bored of his food. I adopted him and he was 5 years old, so i suppose his owner and the people at the rescue place have been feeding him the same food for 5 years. Is it a good idea to change his food once in a while so he doesnt get bored? All the chinchilla food looks the same at the pet store so im not sure if it taste different.
3. I bought him a 12" running wheel, and i've heard that it can damage his spine, so is a 12" pastic flying saucer good for him? Do i really have to buy 1? I mean he loves his wheel and he sleep on it 1/2 of the time.
4. I've been using newspaper + shavings on top as bedding, but after 1 day he would bite the newspaper and destroyed everything, and so there is wires on the ground and im afraid that he might hurt his little feed. Any idea how i can fix this?
5. People told me that i can give him oats as supplement, can i buy the quaker oatmeal for him? If not can you tell me what kind of oats to buy for him, and how often should i give him oats.
6. How much is a trip to vet cost? How much is a physical checkup and how much is a serious injury? i need to know so i can deposit in his piggy bank  ;D

Ty so much for those who answer!  
« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 08:33:40 PM by BambiLove »
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Re: Questions from a 3 weeks chinchilla owner!
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2010, 10:52:09 PM »

1. I don't know for sure...but I wouldn't recommend it. Use pine or aspen shavings in a chin litter box if you want him to have one.

2. I'm sure different brands of food DO taste different, but I doubt he's bored with his pellets. It's not a good idea to frequently switch brands of pet food for ANY will have the opposite effect, and actually make them finicky, and possibly SICK! Use a high quality brand of pellets (one that does not contain a bunch of treats!) I use MAZURI brand, my chins love it. If you want to keep their food interesting...give a different treat each day...but only 1 or 2 treats each day. Don't go overboard! I switch between:
dried apple
dried papaya
plain shredded wheat
rose hips
yogurt covered timothy hay ("yogurt yummies" or "timothy tots")
You may also ADD a little "orchard grass" or "alfalfa hay" or "oat hay" to their usual timothy hay...that will also add variety for them. But NO, I wouldn't switch pellet brands unless there is a problem with current one! What is your current brand? Also be careful with HAY brands.

3. I think this depends on the size of the chin, to be honest. My 5 yr old male was getting a bald spot and raw nose from his 12" silent spinner. He was just crunched in there! But my younger chins (I had a 2 yr old male, and now I have a 7 month old female) that do FINE with the 12". I bought a 15" "chin spin" for my big guy, which works out much better for him. His nose hair grew back, yay! I've heard the saucers can be hard for SOME chins to figure out. And some may never adapt to it, so you're taking a risk with that. If you can afford it, I'd recommend a 15" wheel over a saucer, especially for a 5 yr old... but that's just my opinion.

4. I would NOT recommend newspaper as bedding! That can be dangerous if ingested! Either get a metal pan to cover the cage bottom, and put the wood shavings in the metal pan with NO newspaper ... or....what I do, is cover the cage floor with a fleece blanket. (no wood shavings, just fleece) chins don't pull it up or move it around....some chins do. It works well for me because clean-up is a breeze, and it's soft on their feet. You'll have to use regular fleece, NOT microfiber. The microfiber fleece (super plushy stuff) doesn't absorb the urine beads, and the chins step in it. yuck! Regular cheap fleece absorbs great though.

5. You can give PLAIN rolled oats as a TREAT....not as a supplement. I used to give mine plain organic rolled oats (like quaker in the canister...not instant!) ...just 2 or 3 as a special treat. But then I read sometimes oats can clog up the digestive I stopped giving them oats completely. I don't see anything horribly wrong with a few here or there...but I certainly would not recommend dumping a spoonful of them in the food dish.

6. This will differ from vet to vet! My current vet charges $45. just to look at the chin... extra to DO anything to it. My previous vet charged $55 to see the chin.... obviously more to do any tests or treat any illnesses. I think the recommended stash is $200. That's what I would put away if I were you.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 10:56:29 PM by LindyLu »


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Re: Questions from a 3 weeks chinchilla owner!
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2010, 10:58:01 PM »

hi welcome.. chins are so much fun.  you find out very soon he will own you...  :::grins::

question 1.  no cat litter is not safe for chins, you can use carefresh, kiln dried pine or aspen, or fleece.

questino 2.  no you shouldn't change his food.  get him on a quality food if he isn't already and stick with it, changing foods causes soft poop and can probably wreck havock on their delicate systems.  you can give him some safe treats for a change.

question 3. i haven't never heard of a pet store that sells a safe wheel.. plastic is a big no no for chins. they will chew it and can digest it and it can become impacted and cause death. the mesh ones are not safe either.  you can find a great wheel at  it is expensive, but worth every penny and will last a lifetime.

question 4.  i'm confuse [sorry] if he is in a cage, how is he near wires.   but if he is near wires, you need to move them, chinchillas are rodents, their teeth are constantly growing and they constantly chew...

question 5. deposit deposit deposit.  no one can really answer that. it's what your vet charges.  but a visit can cost up to over 1 thousand or just under 100.. it really depends.. if you take good care of them, they shouldn't need vet care often.  and you are off to a great start with some great questions.. so i think your guy is gonna do great.

safe treats:
old fashioned oats not the instant  about a pinch
non frosted cherrios or shredded wheat
rosehips or rosebuds
oat straw.

treats -- some people say one a day, some people say a few times a week.
i'm sure someone else will come in and finish asnwering what i couldn't. sorry i couldn't get them all..

i do have some info on my website if you want to take a peak.. and i also have all chin safe items.  i'm in upstate ny usa... even if you have a place to purchase from, check the info out... i think it's informative.

take care...
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Re: Questions from a 3 weeks chinchilla owner!
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2010, 12:34:44 AM »

1- concurring with kitty litter being a bad idea. If ingested it could be very bad for their health.

2- Just want to add that if you are going to change their food it needs to be gradualover the course of 3-4 weeks (Ie, mixing more and more of the new food in with the old). Suddenly changing their diet will make them very sick. However if he's already on a high quality diet like Mazuri, Tradition or Oxbow stick with it. If he's eating Kaytee or a mix that has anything other than pellets, you should switch.

3- any plastic wheel or cage accessory is a bad idea. And jmdebb is right that many products at pet stores are not necessarily safe or practical for your chinchilla, even if there's chin picture on the package.  >:(
I have a metal flying saucer ( that my Apollo just loves, and its fun to watch him use it. ::silly:: On the other hand I had a chinchilla (who unfortunately prematurely died :( ) that never did get the hang of it even after 2 or 3 months. Otherwise get the 15" chin spin ( if you can afford it. Either wheel has great testimonies and are worth the investment

4- I use newspaper under shavings for one of my cages too, but you would need to put a thick enough layer of shavings so that the chin does not have access to eat the paper, and there is enough shavings to absorb the urine. My other cage has a wire mesh floor, which isn't ideal, but I try to give him plenty of chances to give his feet relief. I acquired these cages with the chinchillas so both cages are kinda "eh..." I plan to get a better quality cages soon. Would you mind posting a picture of your cage so we can give you some ideas perhaps? :)

5- Lindy covered this well. Oats= occasional treat

Adding to what jmdebb says, there are some people who say treats of the food variety are unnecessary completely. However most don't think piece of dried fruit or a plain cheerio or a few oats once in awhile will hurt. Rosehips are great treats because they contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients. Most chins also love apple wood sticks and those help keep their teeth healthy, so they also make a good reward.

6- my vet also charges $50 just to see the chin. An X-ray ran me about $150 I believe (maybe it was less...  i don't remember), and if they need surgery it can be anywhere from $100-thousands, depending on the condition. The important thing though is to find a vet who specializes in exotics and has experience working with chinchillas as soon as possible. If they offer on-call emergency care all the better since chinchillas are more likely to be injured in the evening or at night.  ::silly::

You've made a great first step in coming to this forums and asking your questions. We always have more to learn from eachother. It sounds like you may need to do a bit more digging on the basics of chinchilla care to make sure your little guy has all of his needs met. I'm not saying this to be offensive, just a little concerned that you haven't yet heard about plastic being bad for chinchillas... when I first got mine that's pretty much the first thing I learned about them even before dust baths or timothy hay "congratulations on the chinchilla... NO PLASTIC!"  ;D I'm exaggerating, but definitely read lots of Q&As and differing opinions on chin care to build an idea of consensus. Good luck with the new guy! I'm sure he is in great hands.


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Re: Questions from a 3 weeks chinchilla owner!
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2010, 01:14:09 AM »

thanks for replying everyone, it really helped me a lot.
@Ladykelia - Nope =[ no one mentioned no plastic to me when i was adopting it, and i've been using plastic hideout and spinning wheel for him and he has no problem with it, and he never bite it so i thought it was fine. I put a paper litter box in his cage so that's his target for biting, and my chinchilla loves his plastic wheel, so i just leave everything in there cus it makes me so happy when i  see him happy and playing and i didn't wanna take any of away from him  :( but ty very much for the info.
Also i have another question, is it ok if i leave the 12" spinning wheel in his cage for a few months until i save enough money to buy a good one? A few months wouldnt hurt his spine that much right?
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Re: Questions from a 3 weeks chinchilla owner!
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2010, 01:46:35 AM »

If he never chews on it, its probably fine. Just keep a very close eye on it and don't invest in any more plastic products. Cardboard is generally accepted as ok for chins as long as theres not a lot of ink or coatings on it, but you should definitely get some hard wooden shelves/ ledges and sticks for him to chew on if you don't have any yet. He will love you for it  ::nod:: and you'll have fun watching him jump around.

As for the wheel I have wondered if a 12" wheel temporarily is better than no wheel as well. I'm not really sure. How old/large is your chin? Maybe someone else has an opinion on this?


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Re: Questions from a 3 weeks chinchilla owner!
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2010, 01:57:23 AM »

my chinchilla is like any normal 5 yrs old chinchilla, but hes a little fat. When i got him at the rescue place, the lady said that hes big and fat and he likes to eat.

ty so much again! I spent hours and hours looking for these answer on google and i never get any good info like this!
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Re: Questions from a 3 weeks chinchilla owner!
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2010, 06:32:47 PM »

My chins have never chewed the plastic wheels either.
I have a 5 yr old male that is too big for the 12" wheel. Watch how your chins he able to "bounce"? Chins don't really "run" as much as they bounce.... if your guy isn't able to get a good spring in his step, then the wheel is too small. You may also watch his nose. Like I said, my guy started wearing the fur right off his nose while use the 12" wheel because he was so crunched his face rubbed against it while he ran!
The link posted for the 15" chin spin is what I switched too, and it's worth every penny! I'd say it's OKAY to use the 12" WHILE you save up for a bigger one, but I'd hope it's only a few weeks instead of a year or so.
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