These are my two parrots, Chiquita Banana, the yellow one, she is an Indian Ringneck. Then Boomer, he is a Green Cheek Conure. Chiquita talks, she says a whole bunch of work. They are SO LOUD! Chiquita is always chattering and saying her words. My neighbor Eddie can even hear them but Im so used to it I don't even notice anymore. Chiquita is the loudest, she is so naughty. She loves to steal things and get into trouble. Boomer is more laid back but he has his tantrums. I have to wear headsets to watch my movies at night so I can hear.
I have two JRS’s. They are a bundle of energy. They are very high strung. They are sisters, we got them when they were three weeks old. Rocky is the spotted one and Jack is the standard. I love them to peaces. Jack is very bold and hyper and has to investigate everything. She races around like crazy outside. She will only get drinks from the bathroom sink, weird. She barbs and I have to pick her up to get a drink. Rocky is more laid back. She loves her food, she even crys for it. She also is obsessed with her kong, If we are outside you have to throw it and she carries it everywhere. She jus loves it.
I also have three fish tanks.
So my house is very loud and very crazy all the time but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love them all.