ok that last post was just funny!!
sorry i haven't been on in a while, but thought i better come back to update you guys. she is still as nasty as ever and is now biting too. she is actually quite vicious: she'll lunge at the cage, make a quacking/barking sound, and she just seems like she wants to rip me apart with those little t-rex arms of hers

Seriously though, it's getting pretty bad.
I wish I could just prepare for a pee storm everytime, but my carpet would get ruined, my landlord would be really angry with me, and nobody would want to come visit anymore because my house smells like pee all the time!
I was thinking about selling her to somebody that doesn't have kids or other animals. Her behaviour is so strange, she used to be a sweet little girl, she would cuddle up to my hands all the time. Now she's vicious. She reminds me of a tasmanian devil actually lol...
I miss my sweet little girl but I don't know what else to do. It almost seems like she lost her mind

Thanks so much for all the feed back and advice guys.