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Topic: my chinchillas gotten fat (Read 5445 times)
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# of Chins: i have 2 baby chinchillas
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my chinchillas gotten fat
June 10, 2014, 10:22:16 PM »
hi !! I'm not even sure if this is a post where you can answer me but i'm trying something I'm lost.. :/ so here it is. I've got two wonderfull baby chinchillas who are very loving and loves to play with me and love cuddles I am very happy about that because alot of chins are not that settled and wont stay on their owners and like kisses and to be touched at any moments, so I'm glad about that but they have gotten sooooooooooooo fat !! they so biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig I wonder if its bad for them in some way.. they are almost as big as a unny, they are 1 year and 2 months old and 10 months old. I dont quite nderstand why since im playing so much with them at least 3 hours a day out with me running getting cuddled jumping around and everything :/ is it bad for them to get this fat ? :/
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Re: my chinchillas gotten fat
Reply #1 on:
June 11, 2014, 04:33:12 AM »
How much do they weigh and what do they eat on a daily basis? What kind of treats do you give them? Are they males or females? (Also is pregnancy possible with any?)
Have you had chinchillas before? Perhaps you could be overestimating how fat they are. Chinchillas do not overeat or get fat if they are given a proper diet.
If they are truly overweight this is not a good thing for them but more importantly is the diet that caused it. If it is a diet high in fat or things they should not have they are at a high risk of fatty liver disease and other health problems.
Female chinchillas do grow quite larger than male chins. Having a big chinchilla is actually a good thing and indicates good breeding practices.
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Re: my chinchillas gotten fat
Reply #2 on:
June 11, 2014, 10:54:47 AM »
Firstly, gray, are they still babies at that age? My chin hasn't grown at all since he was about 6-7 months...
2ndly, if you're concerned about them being fat, you should get a scale and weigh them...
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Re: my chinchillas gotten fat
Reply #3 on:
June 11, 2014, 12:39:35 PM »
For a standard gray they'll typically be full grown at 12 months. Mutation colors tend to be smaller and grow more slowly. These chinchillas should be fully grown and you should have seen a decent growth rate all along. Simply weighing them isn't going to tell the whole story since you don't have a history of weights. If they are standard greys males usually weigh about 500g and females 700-800g. Pregnant females may exceed 1000g. This is average so they can be bigger or smaller.
The best way to tell is to feel along their back ribs. If you cannot feel them easily you may have a problem. Because it is a subjective test it's better to have someone who is familiar with chinchillas to have a look.
I suspect everything is just fine but that is assuming a proper diet. Some people feed their chins junk food like potato chips, nuts, and very unhealthy things. This can lead to obesity IF other health problems caused by that don't kill the animals first.
Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 12:41:15 PM by GrayRodent
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Re: my chinchillas gotten fat
Reply #4 on:
June 11, 2014, 02:14:52 PM »
Some can take up to 2 years to finish growing. The standard grey and plain beige will usually mature faster. Whites are some of the slowest.
If you are feeding quality pellets and hay they probably aren't fat. Some chinchillas have a body type that is very round and solid. That is actually the ideal type. The longer, thinner once aren't considered as desirable for show or by the pet owners. Everyone wants the fat, fluffy, round version of chinchilla. You should check what you are feeding them though just in case. They should not have a food mix with all sorts of fruit or treat bits. You want a plain chinchilla or rabbit pellet. Do not use food designed for any other animal. I got a chinchilla who was eating cheap hamster food once.
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