Hello everyone!
I am new to the forum, and I've owned two Chinchillas since January, so am fairly new to Chins as well. I have a 4-year old female, Ellie Chin, and I have an 8-month old male, Cookie Chin. We initially kept them apart in separate cages, but then one night my husband let them out together and they appeared to mate. After that, we figured the worst had been done, and a couple weeks later, we let them share the same cage. They have really bonded and are always together and get on extremely well. I'm not sure if my female is pregnant or not, but I am watching for any signs. I do have another cage if it happens that she is pregnant and gives birth. A cage that the babies would be safe in, should it happen.
Every night I let them both out for an hours running and jumping in their room. They are so funny and make me laugh. They won't let me cuddle them, but they will happily come and sit on me, jump on me and nibble me.
I used to belong to a few groups on Facebook, but I was sick of being bashed about keeping my two together. I didn't buy them with the intention of putting them together, but since my husband's mistake, we figure they've gotten together, and that's just the way it is. We are responsible pet owners and will do what's right for the Chins. So I would respectfully ask that people don't attack me for keeping my two together please. I joined the forum for information and to speak with other Chin owners, and to enjoy my time here. Thank you.