We do have a great laugh eh Joyce.
Takes less muscles than frowning.
2. Are grape vine wreaths okay for chins?
Mine love them.
I have heard that about the pitted fruit too, but I am sure that peach is OK. That came right out of the Joy of Chinchillas book. They do extensive chinchilla research so we can trust them.
The pit thing I read in that pet shop chinchilla book by Barron's but I have never heard anyone on the net say it was a no no.
Barron's Chinchillas book, " A complete pet owner's manual", says it's ok to feed the fresh fruit, chinchilla pellets contain corn, and that a steady diet of rabbit pellets will cause liver damage.
Hmm get this it's an updated revised edition from a German book from 1992, and printed in Hong Kong.
No wonder people are so confused.