Someone told you to put all three of your chinchillas in a pet carrier and put it on top of the dryer with the dryer going!?! My personal opinion: Any one that would purposely endanger and/or stress a chinchilla does not need to have the honor of even touching one, let alone owning one!
Sadistic *&%$# !!! Sorry folks, but I can not tolerate someone being mean to a chinchilla.
Chinchillas stress easily and can become
physically sick from stress. They do not usually travel well due to the sensation of movement, you can imagine what the vibrations of a dryer would make them feel like.
Heat is not good for chinchillas. They can have a heat stroke very easily and die from it. Chinchillas should be housed in a nice quiet pleasant environment with the lest stress possible.
All chinchillas have their own personality, no two are alike. As with human personalities, chinchilla personalities can also conflict with each other. It is rare, but it does happen. If two strong personalities are put together and both are determined to be the alpha (#1) chin, it can end with a violent fight and even death.
Chinchillas often require a long, slow introduction in order for them to have a chance to get along with each other.
Chinchillas can be very territorial when it comes to the living area, especially the females.
The males seem to be more territorial when it comes to their mate and/or any female that is in season. They have been known to fight to the death for the right to breed a female, even if neither male can get to the female in season that is in question.
There are several solutions since one seems to get along with both. You might try keeping the 3rd chin in a separate cage and let it and the one that gets along with it have playtime outside of the cage so that it will not get to lonely. OR Let those two have the new big cage and the other one have the smaller cage. OR Let the one that gets along with both have a privilege of having a permanent home in the big cage and swap the other two separately back and forth between the big cage and the small cage.
Chinchillas can also be vindictive when they feel they have been punished unjustly. (Maybe Kiwi felt it was not her fault and that you should not have stuck her in the small cage alone ... they do have their own ways of 'payback'.)
Spraying is a way female chinchillas protect their young in the wild. It is used when in dangered or frightened or ticked off.
Pee fights are not unusual between females when they invade each other's territory or bring question to having to share something one already has claim on. Apparently BreakBeat does not want to share Tephra with Kiwi.
Immediately Breakbeat tried to bite at Kiwi's face and then when Kiwi tried to run away she ran after her and started her.
Apparently, Breakbeat is not going to accept your new chin, Kiwi. I would not chance putting them back together for fear they will cause damage or death to one or both. It appears both are wanting to be the alpha chin. Humping between two chins of the same sex is not sexual, but a way of trying to show dominance.
I got them apart and tired to put Kiwi back in the cage with Tephra but when they saw each other they started trying to nip at eachother faces ...
I would think, at this point Kiwi was still 'in the fighting mode' and had not had a chance to calm down, Tephra probably sensed this and was just trying to defend herself from what she sensed from Kiwi at that moment.
so I took Kiwi out and put her back in the single cage and Breakbeat back with Tephra.
Tephra and Breakbeat have been together and know each other well, so Tephra probably still felt safe eventhough Breakbeat might have still been a little upset. Tempra knew Breakbeat is/was not a real threat to her, she did not know this for sure about Kiwi.
Glad you ask first, instead of putting your precious babies on top of the dryer.
Jo Ann