So Reuben and "BeBe" as the new baby's name has slowly become have been mingling a little each day, i let the boys play together and they last a good 20 minutes and then as soon as it gets feisty i get scared and separate them again... but then they sit nose to nose in each of their cages (which are side by side). So today, since i was off from school, i wanted to try to let them stay together all day. Usually Reuben tries to mount Bebe and then they run around, but today, i let them in there for an extended period of time to "fight it out" because they weren't being violent just chasing... but then i noticed that Bebe is now trying to mount reuben, and then i realized he was in that "spraying" position, and the fleece was damp when i touched it after, so he may have peed! Does this mean they will never be friends?
what can i do to help them be friends?
TIPS PLEASE!!! help!!!