Vent away, that's what we're here for too.
[quote wants me to 'give her a discount' to this I replied if I sell her, they have to have a suitable cage (to my standards), they will not breed her, they will prove they know how to take care of her and 150$ (the price I had decided upon for any I sell ages ago) is dicounted! chins at the petstore are 170$+ and from a breeder depending on the color is 160$+ so why should I give someone I've never met one of my chinchillas for less than 150$ and proof of being able to handle and care for her?
I never drop my price either.
I do give a reduction if you've bought in the past, as I feel I don't need to give start up supplies if you already have one of my chins.No care sheets or anything just the pedigree.
So after the first one I knock off $25.00.
And your so right, if she can't afford full price how will they afford supplies and possible vet bills.

I've heard it all I tell you, and yes have had a few I wouldn't sell a hay cube too.