I fed my chins raspberry yogurt and they totally adored it. I used the highest quality I could find at the time, which was usually Alta Dena. The positive thing of course was the calcium content and acidophilus. The negative was the sugar content, but I never did see any problems come from that. If I were to start a chin on yogurt now, I'd use plain, low fat and see how that went. I had chins for over 20 years(our colony finally died out naturally about four years ago) and I did experiment with a few different dietary things, particularly with my chins that became ill, had dental problems, etc. For supplementing, the yogurt and a soy protein mix with spirulina were very helpful and I used them a lot in liquid food mixes with pellets and hay. This was intuitive on my part, but did seem to help chins that were under the weather.
The chin that I mentioned in the earlier post was given Neocalglucon by my vet, then I gave her yogurt til her kits weaned. She had one other pregnancy after that - I started her on yogurt as soon as I figured out she was pregnant, and she had no problems with seizures, delivery or nursing.