the first day I brought him home he had no eye boogers, but the first time he got a dust bath I noticed after he has had constant eye boogers. he eats his pellet food like a chinchilla should, he chews on toys well so I don't think theres no malo, he doesn't drool from his mouth its just those eye boogers. my 2 other chins eyes that don't have eye boogers look exactly the same as chico's but chico has the eye boogers. I don't know what to do and the vet office I go that sees chinchillas wont be open again after construction is done

and the vet doesn't come to peoples houses anymore so idk what to think, he also does eat hay and drink water so nothing wrong there, his teeth aren't long. could it be the dust? and the dust that flys in his cage irritating his eyes? I felt for bumps on his jaw line and check bones and felt nothing ,which I heard from a homeopathic exotic animal doctor by my aunts house in Tarzana but she told me if you feel nothing then the teeth and molar should be ok. so idk what to think now. theres no wetness around his eyes just the eye boogers