They're in the cooler area of the house and I always make sure that it's not hot in there.However this year has been crazy hot in here,the hottest summer ever.So even with vents, the marble rock and lights off it's still a bit hot(not so hot that they could die).The poor things haven't been out of their cage or have had baths for almost two months.
Yeah I had no idea that their penises were so big,the other day I passed through my other chinchilla's cage and he was cleaning his material and I noticed how enormous it was

Can I properly check for hair rings or that has to be done by a vet?
I've checked him in the morning today and everything was retracted.
I added some pictures that I was able to take,I'm sorry it's not a really good angle.He doesn't trust me fully yet,he loves to be cuddle but once I open the cage door he runs away from me and really hates being picked up,so when he's in my lap it's almost impossible to turn him to see his genitals.Thanks a lot for your reply.